Why don't cats get jealous like dogs do?

Answer #1

They don’t? :O From what I’ve seen, when my boyfriend’s parents got a second little kitten, the first one got really really jealous because the kitten was getting lots of the attention, and still is now after a long time. The first cat kept attacking the kitten and they still constantly fight :O

Answer #2

Actually, cats certainly can get jealous. I watch my neighbors cats when they go on vacation, and I’ve seen this jealousy. When they got their new kitten, the cat that’s been there a long time became very aloof, and just sat & watched the new cat a lot. If the new cat jumped on your lap, the older cat would usually disappear. Also, when the new cat came close to you, the older cat would just look at you, and then at the new cat…and then walk away. Haha

Answer #3

well we are comparing 2 different species……. but ok. Well dogs want your attention all the time. They want to be petted, lay on your lap, play…. man’s best friend. Cats only want your attention when they want it. Once they are done with you they move on. They march to the beat of their own drum..

Answer #4

My cats get EXTREMELY jealous of eachother when it comes to attention. If I pet one the other will come up and push the other out of the way and it usually ends in them fighting and me pouring water on them. Haha cats definitely get jealous of eachother.

Answer #5

They do get jealous.

When I had my first baby, and I visited my mom, everyone looked at the baby and wanted to hold him. And then the cat came and sat on my moms lap and demanded attention from her. When my mom still only looked at the baby, the cat sulked and did not look at her nor came to her to cuddle for three days.

Answer #6

You’ve never met my cat. She will hiss and whine and basically annoy anyone who sits on my bed until they get off. And she is persistent. As for other cats, she will not allow them near the house.

Answer #7

Its weird cuz I will call for the dogs to get pet and the cat comes runnin and tries to push the dogs out of the way lol

Answer #8

they are originally very independant creatures that tend to take matters into their own paws. while they are often loving they still have the instinct of their wildcat bretherin. dogs have a more domesticated side of things and are usually found in packs out in the wild. the owner usually ends up taking the alpha role were they take the beta role. if someone threatens their beta role they have the want to show dominace over the intruder. you really have to be careful with dogs.

Answer #9

ok, cats are way different than dogs. Cats are LAZY! They like sleeping on the couch all day! But, it can also be the cat you have, some cats can be jealous and some aren’t

Answer #10

hahaha! water good trick:D

Answer #11

Because it’s all about them. They don’t care enough about you to be jealous. Another person could easily take your place and the cat won’t miss a beat. It’s just the way they are wired and it’s natural.

Answer #12

Cat’s will get jealous. Just depends the situation. I currently have an EXTREMELY jealous cat. She was my baby. Slept on my bed every night. Has her own bowl. We have a stray that had babys and they are currently here. Now they sleep in my room, she doesn’t spend time with me anymore. Her bowl has been taken over. And where is she now? Sleeping in the spare room. Growls, hisses at me, won’t let me pick her up.

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