Should I get a dog or a cat

Should I get a dog or a cat?

Answer #1


Answer #2

How much time do you have to devote to a pet? Cats take less time …dogs are time intensive…

You have to choose which fits your lifestyle the best…and your willingness to give up time.


Answer #3

it really depends on your lifestyle… if you want some more advice funmail me and tell me what your lifestyle is like … you know like how often your home how active you are..ect.

Answer #4

What is your previous past pet experience? What are you looking for out of this pet - do you want someone to take out with you all the time, do you want a protector, do you want a companion. How large of an animal do you want? How much care do you realistically see yourself putting into it. Can you commit to feeding and walking every single day? (Remember vacations and visiting your friends). What sort of home (how large of a space) do you have for this pet? Where do you see yourself in five years? Ten years? Would it be somewhere you could have this pet?

Answer #5

Dog. Unless you want something fat, useless, and lazy, then get a cat haha

Answer #6


Answer #7


Answer #8

Kittys :D

Answer #9

cat kittys are adorable

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