
I pierced my own cartilage, its ok and not infected But my friend said that it doesnt matter how long you’ve had it, if you take it out for more than an hour it’ll heal up because of all the tissues or something? Is that true? :/ Thanks x

Answer #1

Yeah thats 100% true.

Answer #2

after af years you can just pop it threw scar tissure.. dosen hurt. just pop it in eer ow andthe

Answer #3

depends on how long its been pierced… I had mine pierced in high school(years ago) and I can go forever w/ out an earring in and it never has closed up. any new piercing will heal up if not kept in for the time allowed to heal, so it depends on how long and I guess each person is different…for me, my piercings dont close up.

Answer #4

Nope not in all cases. If you take it out before the healing time is over then yes most likely I’ve heard of situations were that has happened but if you have had it done for 15 years and take it out for an hour it will not close up!

It might not be infected now but I can safely say you are likely to see atleast one complication from doing it yourself.

Answer #5

well I always keep mine in and before I took it out for half an hour and it started healing up. but my friend always takes hers out and she had to take it out for pe and school and she left it out for an hour and it was perfectly fine.

Answer #6

first off peircing it yourself was stupid and no if youve had it in for many years the hole is NEVER going to heal up, because skin cant reattatch itself once its fully healed around the peircing it will close up if youve had it in for less than 3 months and take it out because it needs at least 3 months to heal

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