Answer #1

Heck yea

Answer #2

Sure do.

Answer #3

Honestly I dont go through life worrying what god thinks. Every choice I make is based off my personal experience, not what I think god would or would not like. To each his own though.

Answer #4

Not really.

Answer #5


Answer #6

lol :p

Answer #7

Which god are you speaking about?

Answer #8

I don’t believe in any sort of god so I don’t believe he/she/it thinks.

Answer #9


Answer #10

If you mean the Christian god then no, I do not. And in a way I care what my gods think but there really isn’t a focus on what they want you to do (no dogma) so it is more about unconditional high regard. So yes I care, but no I don’t think I have ever done anything to shame them nor do I think I ever will (because I do not plan to murder, steal etc etc etc) so I never have to worry about what they think of me.

Answer #11

At the end of the Day I do care about what God thinks about me, Becuase He might not let my ass into heaven if he doesn’t like the way I acted or if he doesn’t trust me. But I don’t foucs my life around him(Like my mom says I should),I’m just try’in to live my life and make it. So If I do go to hell atlest I can say I had fun on Earth! <3

Answer #12

I think God is just an imaginary figure people use to make themselves feel better. So no, I don’t care what “he” thinks.

Answer #13

Ummmm yes!!!

Answer #14

I do.

Answer #15

Yes. My relationship with God is on a personal level and unique as it should be with all believers. It’s not necessarily what a church says it should be. I believe God understands me personally. Where I’ve been and why, where I’m going and why. When I thank God each day for my blessings and present my prayers and petitions to the Lord and ask for things, of course I’m gonna care what God thinks. I’d be a selfish ass-hole if I didn’t.

Answer #16

hmmmm? is there any other gods Except for 1 True one? i believe if there was AT LEAST 2 gods, they’d be fighting to have a better creation…etc logically there can’t be any gods except for one.

Answer #17

i Very pretty much do… i try to be one of his beloveds, and try Proof my love to him by Actions, not just words

Answer #18

why not try to avoid hell? :P and have fun on earth :D> haha, to satisfy god and go to paradise, Do you have to have a boring time for example? xD> hehe :}>

Answer #19

I would think most people care what God things if they believe in God - then that raises the question - which God are we speaking of; there are different versions or beliefs of who God is - Christian, Islamis, Jahova Witness, etc.. just to name a few - so if you’re speaking Islamis - yeah they seem to take their individual religion more extreme then most. I believe we make our own heaven and hell right here on earth and I believe our will is either guided by God’s words and teachings or we follow someone or somethign else. But in general terms I believe most people care what their God thinks

Answer #20

but the question was do you?

Answer #21

does it matter which god

Answer #22

Yes I do.

Answer #23

only if i know about what he thinks

Answer #24

I do. I do like crazy. I always want to do what He wants me to do. He knows what I think and what I struggle with and what I want to do, but He also knows whats best for me. He knows what He wants me to do and thats what I want to do. I dont always do it, Im human and I fail miserably, a lot. But I try. Because I care about what He thinks. I care if I let Him down or if I disobey Him. He’s my Father, and I want to please Him

Answer #25

Yes I do.

Answer #26

I don’t believe in God, so nope.

Answer #27


Answer #28

yes, the Lord is important to me.

Answer #29

yes, the Lord is important to me.

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