what do you think???

okay so I been going to church lately and I have to say I like it… I been though many many bad stuff and I was thinking that I need god!!!… soo the paster (however you spell it) wants to go to my house 2morrow because he felt as though bad thing has been going on lately in my hoouse and its true!!!he also been telling me things that I never ever told him like bad things happened to me but I am going to be a strong girl or that I want to be a therapist when I grow up I mean things that made me even cry!!! its soo werid but I am happy that I am going to that church another thing is that that church you dont have to wear skrits and stuff you can wear jeans and a shrit and some shoe’s he say’s god dont care about what you wear and stuff he care’s about what you have in your heart … but I was wondering should I let them come to my house 2morrow???

Answer #1

just wondering…what churches have you bee to that they only allow you to wear skirts and stuff??? are you sure that was a church even… there is no harm in letting the good will of God enter your home and life if thats what you choose to follow of course

Answer #2

Why not let them come over? And God has always been with you. He’s putting you through all of this to make you a stronger person. And don’t worry, god always has a plan B.

Answer #3

I think you should let him go to your house. he could be really helpful. it sounds like he’s already helped. and God wants and loves you more than you can comprehend.

Answer #4

If your parent/guardian is going to be with you, yes, invite the church people over. If you are going to be alone, ask them another time, when an adult will be home. DO NOT invite the pastor over by himself when you are going to be alone. I don’t care that he is a pastor, or how nice he is, or how much he seems to understand you…he is basically a stranger and until you and your parent/guardian know him and the church better, well, better safe than sorry. I think if you like the church, great. But please, don’t have the pastor come to your house when you are alone.

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