Can we all agree to impeach the next president if email is lost?

Look, I’m 100% certain that we’ll never arrest the staffer responsible for losing years of white house email. However, everybody who cares about democracy can & should be willing to impeach the next president, irregardless of who they are, if their email for two years is lost.

If we can’t investigate our leaders, the same way they can investigate the common population, or a private company, then something is wrong with our government, and we’re no longer in control, nor are we living in a democracy.

Am I the only one who feels this way, or would you, too, be willing the impeach the next president, irregardless of who it is, for flagrant violation of the law?

Answer #1

I agree! (even though I really dont have a clue, I just saw loose email and said im not loosing mine)

Answer #2

I agree whole heartedly. It is ridiculous that nothing will happen to these people.

Answer #3

Helll yeah!

Answer #4

…or stolen…hacking is considered against the law, isn’t it?


Answer #5

“If this Democratically controlled congress has not done it by now, then obviously they do not have enough to impeach.”

Actually it’s because impeachments are very risky and it’s hard to ensure success no matter what the charges are or how much evidence you have. It’s also bad politics. As unpopular as he is and as many times as he’s violated the law, I think Congress finds it in poor taste to impeach the president in a time of war and national turmoil.

The White House handling of these emails is clearly against the law, and either demonstrates remarkable abuse of power, or remarkable incompetence. But to impeach the president has always been hard and I’m sure Congress doesn’t find the cost-benefit analysis favorable right now.

Answer #6

My analysis is that congress didn’t impeach Geroge W Bush because they are little better than he is. They worry about politics more than what is right.

We have a president who believes he is above the law. This is not hyperbole, it is his and his administration’s interpretation of the unitary executive theory. By not impeaching Bush for his abuses of power we have given future presidents the green light for similar abuses of power.. I believe that the constitution is and must be the highest law of the land, not presidential fiat.

Answer #7

rickd, do you really think that deleting emails, that were required by law to be saved, is no big deal? Clinton got slapped down for not properly saving them. So he had system called ARMS put inplace to ensure that all presidential records were saved, AS IS REQUIRED BY LAW. The system worked flawlessly. But once Cheney… um I mean Bush… took over, he had it removed and replaced it with… NOTHING! So why would Chen.. um Bush remove a system that was working perfectly well, and not use any system at all? Do you think it might be that the things they were hiding were more criminal than violating the Presidential Records Act?

We are supposed to have transparency in our government. This administration has been the most secretive and uncooperative in history.

Answer #8

There are so many reasons our president should be investigated.

I hope lots of people signed Dennis Kucinich’s petition to impeach Bush. Perhaps if Kucinich gets enough signatures Pelosi will quit being Bush’s lap dog.

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