Can you possibly give me some insight

I enjoy baking and cooking mostly baking, would you say its a good career to go with. Im 20 and im completely lost as to what it is I wanna do for my life job something I love I know that but I am unsure of what that is exactly :( .. If you could possibly give me some insight to how you found the job you love that would be great, also tell me what it is you love about your job and why you would recommend it to someone else. Like I said I love baking aswell - how did you figure out its what you wanted in life?

Answer #1

I have to be honest with you - being a chef/pastry chef is actually not someting I would recommend to anyone. It’s gruelling work, and you often put up with a lot of abuse in the kitchen - it’s all part of the job. On top of that, you shouldn’t expect to make a lot of money fresh out of culinary school…you need to build up reputation before you’ll get paid well…basically, you get paid by worth.

If you are ready for that kind of lifestyle, then it can be very rewarding and once you have bypassed being a line cook or simple baker’s apprentice, it becomes a glamorous job. Just so you know - the farther ahead you get, the more work is involved.

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