Can't wait

I can’t wait for my band to come over to my house!! But what should I call the band??? I’ll show my parents I can do this

Answer #1

A band name is something that should be thought about seriously. Be sure ALL the band members like it and agree with it. How about you and the rest the members discuss it and come up with names. Then look them over and right the top 3-5 you like best and put them in a hat. Whichever one is drawn out is your name. If for some reason you all still don’t agree, re-draw and keep thinking about it until EVERYONE is happy with it.

I hope this helps you…

Oh and P.S - Don’t EVER give up hope. You can do anything you put your mind to. Don’t let ANYONE crash your dreams. Even if things wouldn’t work out, the only thing that matters is you gave it your best and you didn’t give up depsite the negative comments you got from some people. No matter who you are, you’ll ALWAYS get negative comments from someone about your dreams - especially if it’s something like this. Prove to them their “you can’t do it” attitude is wrong and that you CAN do it.

Good luck!! If you need anything else, let me know.

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