Can someone tell me the pros and cons of creatine

Can someone tell me the pros and cons of creatine?? I do not want people who do not workout and know absolutely nothing about weight lifting telling me stuff though like it stunts your growth, puts water in your muscles and what not. Kay? I did my research , and know I just want to hear some stuff from people who know what theyre talking about.

Answer #1

Clinical studies show it does help you to work out harder in bursts, but does not aid endurance. The long term effects are unknown.

Here’s what the legitimate medical community has to say about it:

Answer #2

ok… look I’ve been lifting for over 10 years… I take creatine and the first dude don’t have a clue what he’s talking about… It’s a legal anibolic, which means it’s like roids without all the negative side effects. Your 15 so take half of the minimal adult dose and you’ll be just fine… It will help but only as much as you help yourself, make a routine, stick to it and you’ll see big results in no more than a month.

Answer #3

It got my stomach upset. Then it gave me the farts.

Answer #4

woah, easy bro. no need to get pissed off or anything this isnt towards you. I just wanted to know some stuff.

Answer #5

Yo djwager are you serious? there trying to ban creatine in professional sports? whose they? the vegan and vegeterian society? Creatine is a nitrogenous organic acid that occurs naturally in vertebrates… which means you and me, and everything else that’s breathing! which means what exactly? your body makes it on it’s own! and you get a lot of creatine just by eating red meat so unless “they” want to ban eating meat in professional sports they’ll never be able to ban creatine. why don’t you go inform yourself before you make an a** of yourself…oh wait you already did… Creatine is “the most” not just one of… but the most, heavily researched athletic substance in the world not only have they found no negative side affects besides some over working of the kidney’s if not taking with a proper ammount of water and some minor abdominal discomfort if taken on an empty stomach. but discovered that it makes a huge diffence in porformance and muscle gaining alike.And where do you get your facts that it stunts your growth??? if anything There have been studies performed that suggest creatine has the ability to raise Growth Hormone levels in your system making you what? that’s right you guessed it! Taller!! so just cause you hang around a few short guys who happend to take creatine doesn’t mean a god damn thing. In short creatine is a great way to reach your full lifting potential and helps your muscles to recover faster look fuller and be stronger. Maybe if you spent a little less time trying to put the fear of dwarfism into a 15 year olds head and actually tried it instead of just dismissing it as a hoax you’d realize that…

In conclusion

Dont Be A Douchebag

Answer #6

Your a bloody idiot,

I know the water comment is to myself, so maybe you should go and talk to a personal trainer since you dont want to believe me on here even though I do know about lifting weights and training and nutrition… so yeah go talk to a personal trainer learn that it makes your muscles carry extra water to increase the heal rate of your muscles while working out and pushing them harder to do more damage each work-out… that is why people loose mass when they stop taking it, its the water drying back into its normal amount… about 10-20 pounds depending on the person… But if you dont want to believe people on here and get your own research then why ask anything on here, or go see that personal trainer and pay the big bucks to tell him he is wrong to when your done here? ok now just shut up and your only 15 so it will have an even larger negative impact…

Grow up abit… bloody idiot you will ruin your entire body

Answer #7

hey sacraficed, they are legally trying to ban it in proffesional sport use, and his body is still growing, he will stay extremly short (or w/e height he is) for a long time because the human body cannot keep up with growing the bones and muscle at that fast of pace all at the same time. And have tried stop taking creatine for a long time? because it will seriously mess you up man, all my friends tried usuing it in highschool and they all stand about 5’7”ish or less and they lost a lot of muscle after using it and just started lifting naturally, I continued to lift naturally and im bigger then them and 6’5” because I knew it how stupid it was. But whatever man you want to ruin your body at by the time your 30 so you can look great when your 19 go for it… Im just warning I have seen the effects of when you stop using it.

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