Can I become famous from being on youtube?

A random question because I was looking to post myself singing on youtube in an effort to get some exposure and a possible record deal? I don’t have ny songs of my own because im not a good song writer. But I feel like im a talented singer and many friends and family have told me so. Im really passionate about this and reakky want it.

Answer #1

it’s possible…I mean look at hollywood undead. they started out just making fun of people in songs on youtube and now they have a record deal and all kinds of stuff…anything can happen

Answer #2

That would be a long shot, since there are so many random videos on Youtube…That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t give it a try, though - you may get lucky!

Answer #3

Anything is possible, but I wouldn’t rely on that alone. The fame you would get from being on youtube would be internet fame. I’m pretty sure you want more than that right? Its good if you want feedback and want to build up a fanbase, but relying on youtube alone is just not the way to go. You should research and try to get in connection with some important people who may know who to put you in touch with. Call up your local radio station and network, make friends with people who have access to important people. Its all about networking. What you know is not so much as important as who you know these days.

Answer #4

tins of funny videos and lots of viewers

Answer #5

It happend to Luke (FRED) x :p

Answer #6

hmm maybe not but if your really gd you could become a utube partner and get paid for you vids etc but please link me to one of your vids I heard im a gd singer too but nvr had the guts to post my self on utube

Answer #7

You can try on

Become an instant celebrity couldn’t be easier: choose the 15 minutes that you prefer, select one of your YouTube videos and show your talent to the world!

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