What should I do to help calm my 6 year old americanbulldog/pit mix?

I just bought a female pupppy that is 3 months old. My 6 six old doggy isn’t neutuered since we thought we were going to breed him at the time, but changed our mind but figured we wouldn’t neuteur him because we didn’t want to hurt him…. He’s our baby and we were scared about something going wrong with the surgery….. Now that we have the new puppy, he continously tries to hump her and its so bad that she ends up uder him and fights him back biting at his neck. She’s fighting him backk that he’s starting to get little scabs from her biting on his neck, and she bit him in the private….. I’m concerned with him hurting her since she’s little and I’m concerned with her biting him. I dont want both of them hurt.. This is breaking my heart!!! In the beginning, they got along great, they just wnated to play, but now it seems like all he wants to do is hump her . She just wnats to play and he continues to make her fight him. What can I do to stop this humping????? HELP

Answer #1

when my pitbulls got agressivee we’d spray thier faces with cold water?

Answer #2

walk her, throw a frisbee.

Answer #3

Alot of the problem is a dominant thing. Your male dog is letting her know that he’s the dominant dog. You need to be the pack leader and tell him no firmly and separate them. I would suggest getting them both fixed. I understand that you are worried somtheing may go wrong during the operation and its a hard thing to do, but in the end run your dogs will be healthier for it. We also have a serious problem with too many homeless dogs and really don’t need more puppies. Please consider that for every puppy that is born that is dogs in rescues and poounds that will not be adopted and may be put to sleep. We need to find homes for all the homeless dogs out there before we add more.

Good luck

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