Am I bulimic?

am I bulimic if I feel guilty after everything I eat! recently I cant look at food what is wrong with me!

Answer #1

to be bulimic you have to binge 2x a week and make your self sick (purge) afta for at least 3 months and your BMI has to be under 17.5 are u eating or have you just stopped all together?

take care x

Answer #2

yea, it’s anerexia..just start out by eating things you love, even if it’s not healthy and slowly you’ll start eating again..I’m anerexic, but I’ve learned how to control it..

Answer #3

well not really some bulimics are over weight… neways I think that you are becoming anorexic because if you are starting to dislike fod and cant look at it it probs means you dont want to eat… hope I helped chloe…x

Answer #4

If you find yourself in a position where you’re thinking about becoming anorexic or bulimic, remember that there are other safer (mentally and physically) approaches to handling your weight. Eating disorders can lead to permanent health problems and even death.

Eating disorders are not diets, they are mental illnesses that no one should want or try to get. They are serious ways of people coping with trauma and should not be played around with.

WARNING!: Anorexia and bulimia can cause permanent damage to your heart, brain, kidneys and other organs, and can ultimately result in death.

xox Sika

Answer #5

that wouldd be more related to anorexia.

Answer #6

that is more towards anorexia or ednos. you probably just have issues with food at this point. but if this is troubling you you should tell you mom or a trusted adult.

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