Can you build a tolerance to Niacin if you use it too many times?

Answer #1

Niacin also means vitamin B3, nicotinic acid and vitamin PP.So they are vitamins and vitamins do not build a tolerance to your body but if you do not need to take it many times because unnecessary vitamins goes out from the body without depotting

Answer #2

Niacin also means vitamin B3, nicotinic acid and vitamin PP.So they are vitamins and vitamins do not build a tolerance to your body but you do not need to take it many times because unnecessary vitamins goes out from the body without depotting {edit}

Answer #3

You can ‘overdose’ on some vitamins (Vit A is one I think…) but not the B’s because they are water soluable and you pee out any excess.

Answer #4

High dose ordinary (nicotinic acid) Niacin causes a skin reaction called flushing. It’s a rash that can feel warm and tingly in patches on your torso all the way to as painful as a bad sunburn all over your body. These doses cause your capillaries to dilate and releases histamine.

Over time our bodies do adjust to high dose Niacin with less severe flushing; starting with a low dose and slowly increasing is a way to avoid bad flushing.

In high doses Niacin behaves more like a medication than a vitamin. It is an effective treatment for lower triglycerides and has a lesser effect lowering LDL (bad) cholesterol and raising HDL (good) cholesterol. You shouldn’t take high dose Niacin without physician supervision.

If you are taking high dose Niacin trying to beat a doping test than it probably doesn’t work.

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