Breaking Up

so me and my girlfriend just broke up but we are still going to be friends and all but she said that it wasnt the right time to be together, what can I do to make her feel better and mabe soon get back together with her?

Answer #1

if she wants you she will come to you. if ur the guy she wants then she will relize it…but give it time dont rush things or she wont want you back

Answer #2

My advice? Leave it be…if she’s interested, she’ll come around. If not…then, perhaps the “just friends” line was to spare your feelings. Try talking to new people, making friends with other women, and you’ll be fine. Cheers.

Answer #3

take it from a girl, theres nothing you can do. If she wants you she’ll come back, if she doesn’t, then find someone better! :) Good Luck

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Love & Relationships

Dating, Marriage, Breakups