Break-up lines

Kk, I have this boyfriend and we were have been going out 4 bou tlike 4 months, and im getting really tired of him cheating on me, and am just sick if him in general. I want 2 break ip wit him, but still remain friends, so next year won’t b so akward. I don’t want him 2 b mad at me either, like send me nasty emails or nothing like that. Anyway, I was going 2 do it wit my friends, so that d b easier, but they might hurt his feelings… Anyway, what are some things I could say that would make him stay my friends, but not my girlfriend, and not hurt his feelings.?

Answer #1

Listen I care for you and that wont change, but I just think it would be better for us to part for a while, we could get back together in the future but for now I want to be good friends we’re better that way :)

Answer #2

I think the two above are great :)

Answer #3

say things like hey do you remember when we first started talking we got on loads better didn’t we maybe we should just be good friends :)

Answer #4

You: hey man listen, I really care about you, but I dont think we can be together anymore, I care more about you as my friend and I hope we can stay that way

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