Break up???

My partner was took to hospital last night and I tried to take his clothes in this afternoon but couldn’t get in cause the ward was closed so I left to go back later. When I went back during the visiting hours, he gave me a load of abuse cause he thought I didn’t show up to visit him so I just gave him his things and walked away after saying you’d rather keep giving me abuse than have children. I also returned his key as I said I won’t be going back to his place to pick up more things for him and I didn’t want to cause an arguement in a hospital. He turned away from me to go to sleep just before I left and thought he’s being ungreatful for me being helpful as much as I could, is it even worth trying to patch things up with him? Would anyone else try to work things out in the same situation?

Answer #1

It would depend on history. How long you two have been together and how he treated you in the past. If you have been together for quite a while and he has ALWAYS treated you fairly, then his reaction could have simply been that he was scared and reacted by taking it out on you. He may not even admit that he’s scared.

But if you DO decide to stay with him, do NOT NOT NOT have any kids until you have gone through couples counselling. Please. Imagine this same scenario happening after the two of you had a kid or two. That’s scary, for the kids especially. Remember ALWAYS safe sex. BC pills AND condoms hopefully.

Good Luck!!

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Dating, Marriage, Breakups