How do I impress my 13 yr old boyfriend?

Im 13 I have a boyfriend and I wanna be myself and impress him I basically want to improove on our relationship and can anyone also tell me how I know he loves me plzx Becki

Answer #1

What’s ‘wrong’ in your relationship that needs improving? As you said, just BE yourself and have fun with him :) you don’t need to get too wound up about impressing him at this stage, if you two are going out he was obviously impressed by you in the first place! Remember the most attractive thing in a woman is her brain, so maybe spring some interesting conversations with him, then you can learn a lot more about each other :) As for how to know if he loves you, there’s no way of knowing. trust basically, but love takes a long time to fully grow and most 13 year olds (including when I was 13) don’t have very serious relationships. If you’re not ‘in love’ it doesn’t mean you are ‘unlovable’, so just enjoy things the way they are :)

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