Boyfriend/girlfriend drama with myspace

Ok so my boyfriend got mad because my homeboy calls me “ma”. But I never call my homeboy names like “pa” or “papi” or anything like that but yet he still gets mad at me when guys call me that. Well recently I got into his myspace and read a message he sent to this girl and he called her “ma”. And I told him ‘why do you get mad when guys call me that but yet you call girls that too?’ and he completely got mad at me and tried to turn it around on me sayin he said that because of my homeboy. But see he didnt know I was looking into his stuff. I think he’s lying but he wont admit it and he got his mom to turn it around on me too and say why do guys call me that. I feel betrayed by this but cant break up with him. And oh yeah, he deleted all the guys on my myspace and I added only one back because that was really my homegirl on her boyfriends stuff. And he said he requested that girl because he saw that one dude on mine. Tha chick he requested was practicclly half naked!!! All her pictures were dirty and she looked like a hoe. I told him that guy on my thing was my homegirl and it wasnt even a picture of a guy and told him he could of at least requested a girl with clothes on. Do you think he’s lying and just trynna twist things on me? I think so, but what do you think? Im soo confused.

Answer #1

I think he likes you a lot that’s why he got mad when you are called ma and yet he can’t keep himself from looking at the other girls… sorry for my blunt answer :)

Answer #2

help me!!

Answer #3

girl…I have to tell you yall both wrng for doin that but I can c that yall have a jealous problem and I agree with you when you said he turnin it all around on you cause he is…and why do he have your myspace stuff anyway…And I thank yall need to respect each other stuff no matter what it is…And if yall dont have trust yall dont have nothin in a relationship…and yeah he was wrng for what he did about deleting your guy friends…I thank yall need to sit down 1 on 1 and talk about this!!!

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