How can I approach him?

so I’ve like this guy for a couple of months , he went to middle school with me but I didnt notice him till the last couple weeks of school I’ve never tlked to him tho. but hes in hs now and yesterday I went to the high school football game and he was there . when me and my group of friends were walking him and his group of friends came up to us I was to shy to say anything since he doesnt really know who I am . he looked at me but that was it . then as I sat down he came up the stairs and looke at me again not sure what his expression was since I usally looked away but anyway I was driving in my car and not paying antention there was a sighn of his name ?? wired huh but I dont no what to do I keep having dreams about him ! ? but im going to go to the next football game next week so he might be there any ideas how to tlk to him? like accidently get pushed into him or what ? oh and what should I wear something causal , cute…? thank you for taking time to read this .

Answer #1

be your self just talk to him you know get something started with him.. you c you wont be able to go out with him straight away you gotta be slow.. you know because it can quite awkword if you know what I mean.. lol do the accidently get pushed to him lol it works but it has to look accidently from there start talking to him lol remember BE your Self !! lol good luck

-hockey =)

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