How do I bless my apartment from spirits?

This may sound really scary but I need to know how to bless my apartment because a few days ago my Gf’’s friend and her son spent the night and that night her son never acted this way, but he was really hyper all night and he was crying for no reason then around midnight or so he went into the kitchen and held up his moms phone to the ceiling like he was giving it to someone and at that moment is when my gf woke up and heard light knocking on the bedroom door. She woke up and looked around to see what was going on and about an hour later her friend and son come into the bedroom and sleep on the extra bed we have. I have a futon in the living room and a hideaway in the bedroom. Later on the next morning my gf noticed some like insect bites on her friend it was all over her I have the same thing I used to have bed bugs but I exterminated them like 2 months prior to this. Any way back to the situation. around 2pm that afternoon they were watching her son and noticed 4 claw marks or scratches on his back going from his hip to his spine. With that being said this paranormal activity doesnt happen until her friend comes over so Im thinking that the spirit likes her friend, but got jealous when it found out that she had a son. Im sure these things happen?? Also my gf told me that when shes at her moms house she sleeps perfectly fine but when shes with me she has to take sleeping pills and even at that she will go to sleep around 11 or 12 and wake up 2 hours later just sitting straight up like in a daze. Soooooo Im kinda getting freaked out a little bit….. a week before she came over I got bored and was playing with my camera and turned it to negative and I pointed it at the ceiling and saw this black spot on there…. 2 weeks before that my gf and I went fishing in the park and it was dark and we were taking pics having fun and I told her to take a pic of the fountain and we saw a white orb in the pic we took another on in the same spot the orb was gone…. My moms bf says that everytime he comes near my apartment he feels all of the negative energy that surrounds me in my apartment…. Im not a negative guy when Im out in the world or at work neither when Im in my apartment, but these events over the past 2 months are starting to get me worried… So to whoever reads this please tell me what you think and if you know how to bless evil spirits away please tell me how… my moms bf told me that I have to start at one end and put red pepper flake and salt on the floor of the door and hold up a bible and say”in the name of jesus christ you are not welcomed in this apartment” in a loud stern voice. I have chills just telling my story about this… I hope to whoever reads this isnt freaked out by now…. All help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks guys.

Answer #1

first thing i will address is the bed bug thing- if you didn’t heat your apartment to over 120 degrees then chances are pretty good that you still have bed bugs- so explains the red spots.

now the claw marks could be nothing more than the person scratching at the bed bug bites in the middle of the night while they are asleep.

as far as the ‘negative energy’ how far are you from a large power line? an EMF detector will show places within your home with large electrically generated fields- which some people are highly reactive to and can cause hallucinations and the general feeling of uneasiness.

i am a wiccan and i generally believe in negative and positive energy- not demons or evil spirits, we need negative and positive to exist, sometimes negative ions will build up and can create the situation you describe if your air is too dry it can lead to static discharges and build ups- the solution to that is simply buy a humidifier to moisturize your air.

as far as cleansing your apartment- the native americans believe that burning sage is a good way to cleanse a ‘negative’ environment.

walking through your house with a bible forcefully telling the negative entity to depart sometimes works- but not because of the ‘religious’ aspect of it- it works because you are focusing on the energy and elevating your energy and kind of tapping into that energy and burning it off - so to speak.

so does this mean i do not believe in hauntings ? nope to the contrary- i believe that the earth generates lots of power and energy and this energy can sometimes manifest into something which can sometimes be misidentified as a ghost or spirit.

get someone with an EMF detector- an electrician and see if that is the problem- if not get some sage and burn it and let the smoke drift around your entire apartment. you may be surprised by the EMF readings you will find.

talk to a top notch exterminator about the bed bugs- i would guess they are still present as well.

good luck.

Answer #2

do you still have the pic?

Answer #3

yes I do its on my phone.

Answer #4

Things do happen, we had an exorcism in my house a few years ago cause a lot of stuff was happening for years and then got worse. There are some explantions for your experiences for the orb was prob dust particals orbs have a different look to them I have a pic of one, it actually needs to show the energy in them in a way. Here’s a picture of one I took,

As you can see the swirls in it. You can get holy water from a church from a priest or even our pastor told me you can get regualr water and pray over it, make a cross with holy water above each door way and pray. I would do some things intentially to see if you really do, first hang a cross, some don’t like this and will turn it upside down. Next little children do see things the most and they know this that the kids aren’t afraid of them. I have a lot I could say but my hand is writing if you have specific questions you can funmail me.

Answer #5

Sorry I kinda skimmed over your story too, I’m at work, but saw you and had to comment on somethings.

Answer #6

Id like to hear your whole story if you dont mind emailing it to me.

Answer #7


Answer #8

I agree with Brooke. If you are a religious person and believe in God then you must know that spirits are never a person who has passed. There is no in between for us. We are to wait for judgement.Hebrews 9:27 declares, “Man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgment.” If you are having problems this could only be the work of demons. Corinthians 11:14-15, demons masquerade as “angels of light” and as “servants of righteousness.” Appearing as a “ghost” . In order to trick you into thinking there is another way in the after life besides heaven or hell. Demons only seek to “kill, steal, and destroy” (John 10:10). They will do anything within their power to deceive you and and lead you away from God. They laugh at the ghost hunters we see on tv. Trying to cleanse your house from ghosts of dead people. Only communication with God and doin as she suggested can help. Dont let them stray you from God. They have no place there with you and in your home. With Jesus’s name they will run. Dont be afraid. They are beneath you if God is with you

Answer #9

Stand in the middle of the apartment, cleanse your self of all negativity. Hold a bundle of dried sage upside down as you light it, let the flames go for a minute then blow them out. Starting at your feet emerge your self in the smoke, it is also a good idea to have dried lavender mixed into the bundle. Go around the apartment pushing the smoke away from you with you hand into all nooks and cranies . Once you have cleansed the entire apartment, go again to the center. Put out the sage and and Conan’s all spirits to large now. PS make sure all the smoke alarms are disabled.

Answer #10

Stand in the middle of the apartment, cleanse your self of all negativity. Hold a bundle of dried sage upside down as you light it, let the flames go for a minute then blow them out. Starting at your feet emerge your self in the smoke, it is also a good idea to have dried lavender mixed into the bundle. Go around the apartment pushing the smoke away from you with you hand into all nooks and cranies . Once you have cleansed the entire apartment, go again to the center. Put out the sage and and Conan’s all spirits to large now. PS make sure all the smoke alarms are disabled.

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