Bleaching arm hair with peroxide

Ok I want to bleach my arm hair wiht peroxide (like the medical kind) like right now bc I need it for tommorow but should I wait and ask my mom or just do it?? I’ve always just done things and when she finda out itts nvr thattt bad. But I wanna no if there are any risks that I shood worry about doing it to myself. If not ill do it but if there are I think ill ask my mom.

Answer #1

I have tried multiple times to lighten my arm hair using peroxide, but it has never worked. What am I doing wrong??? PLEASE HELP!!!

Answer #2

if its just peroxide then no, it will only burn what you need is bleach, they make body hair bleach that you can dye your body hair with, look at any place that sells buty products or/and hair care/dye ect and you should find some use that make sure you do a patch test before you cover yourself in it though as quite a few people have allergic reactions to bleach usually mild with redness, ichyness and a bit of swelling but they can be a lot worse, to swelling of the throat making it hard to breath, and even 3rd degree burns so always test a small bit of skin (just like you should with hair dye) before you start to make sure you dont have any allergic reactions

Answer #3

I am going to try peroxide on my arms XP

Answer #4

Peroxide is very safe not harmful to skin or your body. Its your body & your doing it safely so I doubt that she will mind Maybe she wont even notice :D

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