Black's are more racist then whites

What doesn’t make sense is black people always call eachother “the and word” but white people can’t say it. Also some how they are allowed to make fun of our race by calling us crackers or some other names like that and it’s suppose to be all okay but if a white person calls them a n* it’s not. Honestly in my opinion, black people are more racist then whites. Or at least have more hate towards us then we do for them. Isn’t racism all about not judging someone by there ethincity and giving them a chance? The only thing I can think of is that they still have anger about the whites having them as slaves way back when, but that’s racism right there for them hating us because we are simply white and judging by skin color. Opinions?

Answer #1

so now im spanish lol…ok and I wanna know how the hell im a hill billy you must got mee mixed up wit you haha…oh your leaving but I was having so much fun wit you haha come bacc now ya here haha…because you r funny…haha

Answer #2

Anyone can be racist, not just black people and not just white people, mexican people, native people etc.

Have you counted every race in the world and actually confirmed that, “okay there are 12 more racist whatever people than there are other race people!”

Yeah, not gonna happen. It just depends on certain peoples views on the issue. This is a rediculous question because #1)People are going to get p!ssed off #2)Anyone can be racist, you can’t count all the black peple in the world and ask them, “are you racist?” and the same with all the other races in the world.

I find this sooo annoying because it’s just as simple as some people are racist, others don’t give a sh!t what the color of someone skin is. We are ALL people and people that are racist need to get over it because theres are tons of other races out in the world other than their own.

Answer #3

oh shutup you r crazy how did you make mee look stupid…I steel dont know what the fk your talkin about…ok I guess im a G now haha…now your gonna hit mee wit a crowbar what the fk…I dont even need a weapon I would just use my handz…and you would go 2 jail 4 hittin mee wit your so called crowbar…u are so funny ahahahahaha you would really hit mee wit a crowbar you need help…haha

Answer #4

people use words within group all the time… it does not mean that someone outside the group can use it without there being a hint of prejudice… the group that uses it is simply trying to claim back a word that was demeaning to them…

as for why it’s “ok” for black people to be racist, it isnt… but calling a white person a name doesnt really affect them in society…being the majority, what white people think about minorities affects them getting jobs, getting into school, etc etc… so all racism is not the same, and if you think that racism towards blacks isnt pervasive at the institutional level, you are either really ignorant, blind, or prejudiced

Answer #5

ahahahahaha yea right you make laugh you win a fight who…im a girl whoop yo a your just a racist…so dont try 2 clear it up now my crew would fK your friends up lol like straight lay them out…mee uneducated…all I could do laugh at you ahahaha

Answer #6

your so right I’ve been trying to figure this out since I started middle school and now I graduated high school his past june 2008 and still cant figure it out… you say it and get suspened or takin to jail or something for racial words but its alright for them to call is crackers, white trash and of stuff and nothing happens.. and they think there gangster pssh deffinately not… if you can survive in compton or any of the most gangster hoods around then alright your with them but all these wanna-be’s make me sick and its f’in annoying

Answer #7

ehh… this is a VERY touchy subject… my opinion tho.. everyone is hypocritical

Answer #8

wtf hell yea black people can say the and and word and white people better not…they dont know the pain behind that…how your aunt sister called us that way back when…wow…

Answer #9

k firstt of all thats a generilization you cant say tat blacks are more racist than white causee even if it seems tat way you dont no andd this subject is hard to talk about..I hate racisimmm

Answer #10

Lmao. Good luck. I guarantee you talk now but withen two hits you will be on the ground bleeding and unconscious. And I did not say all blacks did it. Now did I. Learn to read before you answer. I said “Most blacks who try to act like a “Pimp or G” And went from there to explain why there are disrespected. Therefore you are obviously one of them and or are extremely uneducated.

Answer #11

I know you must bee sum kind of racist.the person above mee…so you think because sumbody is black they like souljah boy and like dancing…and you cant have friends if your black either you got 2 have possy…ok I guess wee would bee sum fightin mutha fkaz…and im get possy and wee gone fkup yo friends and then wee gone stand over yo az and say you got knock da fk out bth

Answer #12

People have different experiencies in their lives - that’s yours - shouldn’t paint with such a broad brush, any color can be racist - even possible against their own.

Answer #13

oh really thatz how I type on here.itz called slang..wait a minute why the fk should explain myself 2 a racist mutha fka like you haha…and your crazy 4 even thinkin about hittin a women you a little bth..boy…but I know 1 thing if ever got crazy enough 2 come fK wit mee …ill lay yo bth a out…know this…ok make another joke so could laugh…u are funny as hell…ahahaha

Answer #14

Racism is just stupid. ANY word used to describe someones race in a negative way is wrong. Calling a white person a “cracker” is still inappropriate, you cant say its “no big deal” because someone might take more offence to it than you. In my opinion if you judge a whole race based on generalistations then you are just an idiot. And if you conciously make the decision that you must act like the stereotype your race has been given by the idiots then you are an even bigger idiot. You cant say “all black people are more racist” you dont know every black person or even enough to guess something like that. No race is more racist. The only people who are racist are ignorant dumbasses.

Answer #15

And you apparently need an education and a good backhand by your parents to wisen you up.

“”oooh really ok…thatz how I right on the internet itz called slang and tonz of other people do it 2.wait a minute why the fk should I explain myself 2 a racist mutha fka like u…and you still are crazy 4 even thinkin of puttin your handz on a women u…just know that you would get fked up if you ever got crazy enough 2 come fk wit mee…k make another joke because are funny as hell ahahahahaha””

Also, Slang is one thing. Another thing is when you cannot even spell half the items you know, And you are no woman. A woman does not get into street brawls. Closest term that is accurate for you is a hill-billy. You swing at me I will knock you down quicker then you can even hope to follow through. Also if I am so fun why are you basically raging against me. Also I am not racist, There are the “N” word and blacks. Right now you would deserve to be called the “N” Word for being so uneducated, Acting like an immature brat and thinking that if you take a swing I will just stand there. Also you can barly spell when you attempted to before, Lastly you curse crazily in your posts. I will be the one laughing when an ADMIN bans you for cursing so much. I am having a reasonable disscussion, You are breaking quite a few rules between swearing and such. Now I will be waking up at 4 am tommorow for my Job so I will not be posting again tonight. Although I am sure by the time I come back you will have been warned or banned for the fifty curse words you have used in this topic alone. And I will most likely get suspended for justifying myself against your uneducated self but some things are worth the penalty depending on views and ideas. So since you probabley know spanish better then english “CIAO.”

Answer #16

oooh really ok…thatz how I right on the internet itz called slang and tonz of other people do it 2.wait a minute why the fk should I explain myself 2 a racist mutha fka like u…and you still are crazy 4 even thinkin of puttin your handz on a women u…just know that you would get fked up if you ever got crazy enough 2 come fk wit mee…k make another joke because are funny as hell ahahahahaha

Answer #17

“”oh shutup you are crazy how did you make mee look stupid…I steel dont know what the fk your talkin about…ok I guess im a G now haha…now your gonna hit mee wit a crowbar what the fk…I dont even need a weapon I would just use my handz…and you would go 2 jail 4 hittin mee wit your so called crowbar…u are so funny ahahahahaha you would really hit mee wit a crowbar you need help…haha””

Time for some fun. I spot. 17 spelling errors, Roughly eight grammar errors. And also you misread a hyperbole. And you tell me you are educated. I did not say I would need a crowbar. I said I was sooner to go and hit you with one rather then “ clear it up” With someone who is clearly uneducated and much lower on the education level then I am myself. Or are you gonna attempt to tell me you are more educated when you cannot even spell still.

Answer #18

Time to make you look stupid. “”ahahahahaha yea right you make laugh you win a fight who…im a girl whoop yo a your just a racist…so dont try 2 clear it up now my crew would fK your friends up lol like straight lay them out…mee uneducated…all I could do laugh at you ahahaha””

You say your not like how I described. Yet your sitting here horrid grammar barly any words spelled correctly, You think I am trying to “Clear it up” When in fact I would sooner take a crowbar to your face. You refer to your “crew” When mine would laugh at your inability to talk correctly. You say we I am wrong. Yet you sit there attempting to talk like a “G” So tell me. Just how wrong am I considering the way you have been typing and acting on here.

Answer #19

Well. As for as im concerned. “Cracker” Is to white as the and word is to blacks. Also to the person who said thinking blacks are more racist and that whites are, Your a hypocrite yourself because YOU were just being racist. I also agree with the gangster thing. No need to sit there and try to act like a “Pimp” Or “G” Or some retarded thing that MAKES US disrespect you. Tell me what would you think if a white person came behind you when your black talked crap then started dancing like an idiot like your “Souljah boy” Crap is. Honestly A good bit of blacks call racism on whites but at the same time they are just as racist against us. Basically although. all I have to say to blacks, You call me a cracker I call you the and word, You take a swing im knocking you down to the curb, You get your “Possy” Im getting my friends to stomp you. The end. Finite.

Answer #20

Do you even no what your talkin bout? because I dont think you do. The and word is A LOT worse then bein called a cracker and if you actually went 2 a black person bout what it means 2 dem, den mayb you would understand before you go along and say BS bout dem.

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