bird sadness help

I had a cocotiel names fred lol…one day my grandpa came over to our house and fred was sleeping on his grandpa can not remember things well and he forgot fred was on his sholder. he went outside and fred woke up and freaked out…he flew away and I never saw him again…this was like 4 mionths ago and I still cant get over the fact that I lost my baby…I miss him sooo much and I didnt have any like closer or anything and im getting kind of depressed…can someone help me get over this please

Answer #1

aww try getting a new bird or occupy* yourself to where you have fun an it doesnt even cross your mind. thats ike me and my bunnies. if I occupy my self I dont think of them. but its had to get over it I know the feeling sorta except my bunnies died =[

but I know you have like an empty space and just need something to fill it. try getingg another one or a new different pet

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