bilemic & anerexic?

Sorry If I spell these words wrong! Wanna know what the difference between the 2 is.

Answer #1

Anorexics don’t eat at all. I mean like they stop eating completely.

Bulimics eat a lot of food and then throw it up. It’s pretty freakin nasty.

Answer #2

Anorexic… is when you starve yourselevs in older to lose weight… you think that you are fat when you are really underweight!!!

Bulimic… is a binge and purge cycle its the same thing as anorexic as in they see themselevs as fat and they want to lose weight but when being bulimic you binge as in you eat a lot of sweets and stuff then afterwards they make themselevs purge (throw up) in older to lose weight or to not gain the weight they may also use diet pills anorexic as well!!!

Answer #3

anorexic is when soemone avoids eating food and eats practically nothing, they basically starve themseves in an attempt to loose weight bulimic is when they either dont eat much, eat normally or binge on food and then throw that food up in an attempt to not gain any weight

Answer #4

anerexic starve them selves in order to stay thin.

belimic binge eat which is over indulging in food then throwing it up or taking laxitives.

Answer #5

Anorexic people dont eat much

and blimics throw up whatever they eat to stay skinny.

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