Bike riding

I love riding my bike and im willing to ride for 30 minutes everyday. Untill what day will I loose 20 lbs? ps: I eat very healthy as well.

Answer #1

There are 3500 calories in a pound Bike riding for 30 minutes at 12-14mph, if you weigh 150lbs. burns 300 calories. That would be 2100 calories for the week. You would still have to eat 1400 calories less in the week to lose 1 lb/week. To lose 20 lbs, doing only that, it would take you 20 weeks.

There are all kinds of calorie counters online to figure out how much you burn. You would input your weight and how long per excercise. You need take in less calories, and burn more by being more active. So figure out how many calories you consume in a day, and figure out how much less you can eat to create the loss. remember don’t lose too fast, those people always put it back on. Slow and steady. good luck!

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