What are some bible questions I could ask my Sunday school teacher to stump her on?

Answer #1

r u trying to prove how the bible is wrong or wat?

Answer #2

If God wanted the world to be like how Adam and Eve were before she ate the forbiddin fruit, why did he tell her not to eat it, knowing that she would? =S

Answer #3

To answer this question, God told Eve not to eat the apple, so she knew it would be wrong if she did. Eve had the choice to obey or disabey God, cause God gives us all the freewill to do anything we want weather or not it’s right or wrong because he was not going to control us like robots, like the Devil wanted us to be. He gave us the freewill to do what we wanted, knowing we would know what our actions hold.

Answer #4

You should ask her, if Eve would sell out man-kind for an apple, what does she think Eve would have done for a Gucci handbag

Answer #5

Ask her about Lilith.

Answer #6

If the devil punishes the sinners, how is he evil?

My RE teacher thought for an entire lesson and never came up with an answer :P

Answer #7

…but the devil does not punish sinners. The only reason your RE teacher could not answer the question was that there were no answers or soultions because the original statement was false. Happy reading.

Answer #8


Answer #9

1ST. CORINTHIANS 15 VERSES 3 AND 4 SAYS:”For I handed on to YOU,among the first things,that which I also received,that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures;and that he was buried, yes, that he has been raised up the THIRD DAY according to the Scriptures.”JESUS DIED ON A FRIDAY AND WAS RESURRECTED THE NEXT SUNDAY. WHERE WAS HE IN BETWEEN THOSE DAYS?

Answer #10

AT GENESIS 22:12 GOD SAYS ABOUT ABRAHAM “Do not put out your hand against the boy and do not do anything at all to him,FOR NOW I do know that you are God-fearing in that you have not withheld your son,your only one, from me.”DID GOD KNOW OR DIDN’T KNOW BEFOREHAND WHAT ABRAHAM WAS GOING TO DO?

Answer #11

I never said I asked him that. I said he was asked that.

Answer #12

I misread your comment but still. Hell is there for a reason.

Answer #13

Hell is were sinners are held for eternity, The devil is among them. The devil gets punished too. Understand? lol =)

Answer #14

I don’t understand your logic, what are you trying to prove? These sound like strawmans.

Answer #15

alejandro ; that is a good question… He probly did know but then wat is the point of it all… if he knows everything b4 it happens then wats the point of everything? If he knows who is gonna go to hell and who will go to heaven then why all the in between? Im not sure.. I figure he has his reasons of corse. It is beyond our logic. We will never understand his true nature. Just trust in him.

Answer #16

lilith is a good story to ask about.. It is very interesting. Could very well be true who knows. i would like to hear a teachers standpoint on that one

Answer #17

this is true the devil is punished as well. He is evil becuz he spreadsd doubt and encourages sin in human kind. becuz he hates God. He hates mankind becuz we are givin a chance to enter heaven the place he was cast out of for all eternity

Answer #18

He did know what they would do before hand, cause their human just like us, and were sinners. Were not perfect we always make mistakes, so if it wasn’t say Eve that took the apple it would of been anyone of us to do the same thing.

Answer #19

I don’t recall this, whats the story about Lilith??

Answer #20

http://funadvice.com/r/bjr8dmbuim5. this is the story about her.

Answer #21

Did Judas betray Jesus by his own will or God’s?

Answer #22


Answer #23

John 17:12 mentions the “son of destruction”,evidently referring to Judas.That means Judas will be punished not being able to gain everlasting life.But, would it be rightful to punish someone for something he had not way of not doing it? It is like to punish a seed for becoming a tree, something it was “programmed” to do, according to the DNA. What do you think?

Answer #24

Why do people still go to hell if Jesus died for our sins?

Answer #25

because he died for the ones willing to walk the lifestyle he did, a good noble one, whoever goes to hell is because they were evil and unworthy.

Answer #26

Heaven w his father

Answer #27

So you say Jesus went to heavens before he was resurrected?

Answer #28

is there really an angel called Metatron?

why do angels have four faces?

why did God make the angels genderless but give some of them male names?

if Jesus sits at the right hand of God then who sits on His left side?

Answer #29

Angels have no faces at all since there are spiritual creatures, not phisical. Would you like to know where does the Bible states so?

Answer #30

i know angels are spiritual. But when i looked in my bible in Ezekiel 10:14 it says this: Each of the cherubim had four faces: One face was that of a cherub, the second the face of a man, the third the face of a lion, and the fourth the face of an eagle.

Answer #31

If we compare with the help of a concordance the words bull, eagle,lion we can see that in some cases a lion symbolizes justice and eagle wisdom and discernment .Man was created at God’s image who has the outstanding quality of love.After all,we humans are as a grain of sand compared to angels,and animals are even less.Do you think it is possible that the vision of Ezequiel wants to teach us something about the angels’ personality?

Answer #32

We do not get punished for sin….what happens is a consequence of your own decisions. If you do not eat Kosher and you poison your body with food full of toxin, and you get sick….you are not being punished…you brought it onto yourself.
You can ask her how many wise men there were? Three? Nope. There were 3 presents but it does not state how many men there were.

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