Beware the Evil Skinny jeans

Only skinny girls can wear skinny jeans. with tiny little stick legs, ya know where skinny jeans look like baggy pants?



I love skinny jeans

but there just to tight on my legs and I cant move…

I need to make myself thinner, I cant wear looser fitting clothes because I dont feel comfortable. I feel comfy in tighter shirts and pants, but I dont like the thunder thighs…

my weight is still going up and down on a weekly basis, but isnt going down any more… it’ll go up a few pounds, then go back to normal… there is no losing weight

im in marching band and havint drank pop since the beginning of august!

shouldnt I be losing some sort of weight?

I need somthing to make me feel as pretty as I think I should be. I love my face, I love assets. I just wish I had the body I want.

saying this I feel snotty and like “its all about me”

but I know its not…

I dont want to be who im not, because this isnt me. I use to be thinner. I dont want to look like this…

I was thinking about doing to Special K diet thing… 1 pant size in 2 weeks sounds great to me…

I’ve tried dancing, but I cant find music that I like to dance to. I need as much advice for this as I can get as soon as I can, I want to take every answer and put all of them together so I can make a schedule, and stick to it


I will forever be in your debt

Answer #1

no, skinny jeans have nothing to do with being skinny anyone in the world can wear them if they feel like it …weight and body imge doesn not affect the kind of clothes you want to wear unless you follow trends and fashion that are in one week and out the next the jeans are skinny leg jeans, meaning the legs are “skinnier” they hug your legs unlike flared jeans you dont have to loose weight just to wear them

Answer #2

Special K… does not work. I tried it for 3 months.. with exercise and lost NOTHING. -_-

Answer #3

tuna fish sandwich. protein shake. fruits. subway :).

Answer #4

fries, potatoes, pizza..fattning foods.

Answer #5

go running.. making your legs thinner is a hard and I mean HARD job to do..avoid all things that can go straight to your thighs and well do thigh workouts.. they’ll will make em thinner with time.. its not easy makin those slim down.

Answer #6

I cant move in them

when I wear them I walk like a barbie doll because I can barely move my legs

I need to lose weight in my thighs so I can breathe

Answer #7

do squats, or lay on you side and lift your leg, or both. but eat something light after, like an apple, there filling too. then for dinner or lunch just dont eat fatty foods, instead eat salads, but make them fun. try new things in them, like fruit salads with different fruits, like blueberries, apples, oranges, and watermelon for lunch, then for dinner try chicken salad, just dont put a lot of dressing on it. but most of all dont work yourself to death, you should love your body.

Answer #8

k thanks.

its hard to find exercise time with my busy after school sched. because when I exercise its at random, I work a sched. in I couldnt ignore it and just manage all my time better

dedicate an hour to exercising and just dont eat fatty school food… bring mah own… ya know?

if I did… what would be something healthy to bring to lunch?

please… dont say salad… I dont really like salad… ill eat almost anything else

Answer #9

What kinds of things go to your thighs?

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