Which betta to have with guppies?

yeah I have had lots of them but I read somewhere on here that someone has a male with guppies. weird ik females are relle docile. I just got guppies and neons once again I switch off I will have freshwater tank then bettas…lol Laura

Answer #1

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Answer #2

have my Betta living happily with several Guppies, 2 African Frogs, 2 cat fish, 2 plecos and a Platy…I will be getting more Platy as they prefer to school. My mother has her Betta with a school of neon tetras, cat fish, plecos, African frogs and Guppies, all with out any problems. I understand that as long as you do not add a fish with long showy fins, which the Betta may interpret as competition, you will fine. Here a few sites on compatibility which may help you… http://www.timstropicals.com/Compatibility/NameResults.asp http://nz.answers.yahoo.com/search/search_result;_ylt=AgKEvi.aur318azpto9o_53IZwx.;_ylv=3?p=Platy+compatable+with+Betta Best of luck to in your choices,

Answer #3

if your gonna try to put male bettas in with guppies make sure there females with dull colors male bettas will kill male guppies because they look like a chalenge do to the bright colors…a female betta could care less about other fish as long as there not bothering her because she will turn on them if they threaten her…i call it ‘’going perana’’ because the females can some times be meaner than the males.

Answer #4

trying 2 post as a private ? didnt work…

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