Best friend's little sister

My best friend’s little sister is 3. She has temper tantrums when we take her to the park. Like today she dropped her doll in the wood chips. Then she started to burst out in tears! I said “Here you go, a little dirt won’t hurt” Then she smacked me in the face!

My best friend went behind her sister, and smack her a*ss. Then she like SCREAMED with the top of her lungs! I felt so bad! I even said “OMG! Did I start that?”

Then my friend looked up laughed and said, “Don’t worry, it’s what we do!”

Should I be scared? Should I be worried?

Answer #1

Okay, first of all…she nor her parents should “spank” or hit the little gilr if she is throwing a temper tantrum. She is little and really has no concept. But, if they continue to spank her then she will know that she gets a response from them. She will either continue to stand there and scream till she gets what she wants OR she will start throwing herself to the ground/ floor.

Temper tantrums are normal. What they need to do is walk away but, not out of sight.

She will grow out of them.

(My son used to throw himself from a standing position to the floor, flat on his back. After asking the doctor what I should od they advised me to walk away. Eventually, they will get the idea that you dont really care whether throw they a fit or not. Just make sure when he throws himself, there is nothing that can hurt him.)

Dont be worried…you didn’t do anything wrong or start it. Her parents did by playing into the tantrum. Maybe what you could do is just say, “I felt really bad about what happened the other day and wanted to read in on tantrums”. And just let her know that it is normal for children to do this (many do) and the reason is to see how far they can push the limit.

This may help:

Answer #2

Oh god that’s bullsh*t, walking away does not work for every kid spanking sometimes need to be enforce, and if that was her little sister she spanked then that’s no problem as long as is no stranger that she didn’t know.

Answer #3

no it’s not bad my parents do that all the time they call it a spankin but I don’t get that if wounderin all I get is Flat out grounded so I don’t know but it’s not bad it’s ussally and if the person does not know how to handle their child then it means’ that that child needs a little more disipline like nike the dude or women what ev said befor me so it’s not bad at all

Answer #4

Kid obviously lacks discipline, you didnt do anything, dont worry about it..

Answer #5

No is not bad at all is quite normal sometimes kid’s act out and they need discipline, we were alway’s taught that spanking on the buttom is ok, is better than being slap in the face, I hate those kind of people who literally abuse their kids.

Answer #6

Wow, I dont think so but id watch if you stay the night now because she might decide to give you a haircut. My nieces did but that was a long time ago.

Answer #7

I dont think really. a little smack on the butt wont hurt. I mean , a little sad yeah, but she shouldnt have slapped you across the face :(

Answer #8

Dear x0x_caitlyn_x0x, Well we can see that when this little girl is frustrated she cries and acts out. What happens she gets hit. So she sees that the older people deal with their frustrations by hitting her. She just is doing what is taught to her. This is a perfect example of why you do not hit a child when they are expressing frustration and do not have the skills or taught knowledge of how to communicate their anger. This behaviour will continue as long as others around her communicate to her through hitting. So it may take a bit but if the adults teach her proper communication and coping skills she may be able to break free from this terrible cycle. Sue…good luck

Answer #9

haha bipolar baby… might make the 7:00 news!! haha just a joke!!! not your fault and the kids just going through a stage. shell grow out of it.

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