belly button

I want to get my bellybutton pierced but I think im too young. im 12 going on 13. and im old enough to get it pierced? I live in pittsburgh

Answer #1

I think your mum needs to go with you :)

Answer #2

I would say wait theres time for everything then by the time it is time for you to get a peircing your not gonna think its cool just wait the more you wait the more you wanted and then when you do get it the more youll enjoy it

Answer #3

Im a guy and if your wondering what a guy would think, I have a few skater friends, some like it some dont. I dont. ear piercings on GIRLS are okay but not on guys. I am a good student your age, and kinda funny, though I dont fit into any group. I am my own. So are my friends. and obscene piercings arent that cool

Answer #4

I think you should wait, but thats just me. Just a couple years. Other than that, go for it! (: I’m 17 and last year, I got my nose pierced, and this year for my 18th, im getting my tongue (: Fun stuff haha

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