Being Rude.

Me and my fiance were talking today about being rude to other people. Do you ever think it’s allright to be rude to someone else, if so, what reason’s do you think give you the right to be rude to someone.

For example: I think there are time when it’s allowed:

-When I’m disrespected -When someone disrespects my family/fiance/son -When someone insults me based on my sexuality -Ignorance

Answer #1

you should stand up for yourself in these types of situations but dont be rude about it. be the bigger person. it will piss them off. ;)

Answer #2

I’m never rude to anyone. I don’t like when people are rude to me so I don’t do it to them. ha!! no one’s ever rude to me either!! But that might be cause the way I am!! I joke around and stuff, but not too often to where it’s just too much. ha ha!! :) I don’t think anyone should be rude at any time. then we’d all be much happier people!

Answer #3

no it’s not ok to be rude to other people… especially if they diddn’t do anything to u… if they were say bullying you and you asked them nicely to and they diddnt then you could probably say something like fuc* off… ya know

Answer #4

There’s a fine line between being rude and being blunt…some people need to hear the harsh truth, but we have to be so careful how we communicate with others.

There is never an excuse for rudeness.

Answer #5

If someone calls you then you definatly have the right to be rude back. dont just sit and take it. its standing up for youreself and whats wrong with that? I too have a short fuse, its one thing someone calling me but I dont like people calling my family

Answer #6

I don’t think so on a normal basis, just move on, ignore if able - ideally we should strive to always ‘treat anyone the way we would want to be treated’ - however with that being said all of us have our moments where we lose control - car cut us off no reason with an obscene gesture - and very bad, rude/unkind to those we love - we’ve got to guard what we say, it is definitely true that the tongue is ‘sharper than ANY 2 edged sword’ and can forever alter a life, a dream.

Answer #7

I guess I have a short fuse and their are certain topics of things that set me off. I try and hold back, but I can’t help it sometimes when someone is in my face about my something that is personal to me.

Answer #8

There is no reason to be rude to other people/ I am sure you heard the phrase “treat others the way you want to be treated” Of cousrse there are people out there who are rude to us even if we haven’t done anything wrong… :/ But that doesn’t give us the right to be rude back.

Answer #9

I am called rude all the time - the people who talk to me on here would never know because I’m a lot different on the site. Me personally I always think it’s okay to be rude, haha, sometimes people just get on your nerves and you just got to throw in a few words.

It’s not good though, I shouldn’t encourage it and should probably stop sometime soon.

Then again the definition of ‘rude’ kind of varies - some of the things I say I seem to think are perfectly wrong and my boyfriend seems to think they’re really rude and senial. I guess it depends where you draw that line.

Answer #10

One day when I was grocery shopping I had all 3 of my kids with me (by myself), they were 5, 4 & 2 at the time. Now anyone that’s every taken kids anywhere knows that at “times” they act up…this was happening there…anyway an older couple walked by and the lady kept giving my children dirty looks and then looking at me like I was the worst mother in the world, I kept glaring at her to try to get her to knock it off. It didn’t work and about 5 isles over I finally asked her if she had a problem, she replied that my children were acting like a bunch of wild animals. I then told her if she didn’t like it to get away from us…she said that she’s allowed to do her grocery shopping in peace and not have to listen to kids talking (yes, that’s the word she used talking, not screaming or yelling). I then asked her if she has children and she replied that she couldn’t…(being rude now) I said well I can see why.

When it comes to my children I don’t care how rude I am, if somebody is ignorant to them then I’m going to give it back worse. By the way, the lady walked away and the husband said that she does that to all children in stores…no matter how they act…I apologized to him (because he was very nice) and he told me not to worry about it and maybe now she’ll mind her own business because nobody else (in the stores) have ever stood up to her before.

Answer #11

Saying exactly what is on your mind, is usually reserved for the very young…and very very old…maturity allows for diplomacy.

Chronic thin skin and short fuses can be conditioned to be thicker and longer…it takes concious effort, and like any behavior change it takes work. Having thicker and longer works here, just like…well…you know… :)

colethky, your’s was simply a retort to a truly rude, and delusional person at the grocery store (like where is it written that there “shall be peace and quiet at the local market”???…

“Disrespect” by a stranger, 9 times out of 10 is simply someone who is blunt but doesn’t realize it, or there is a miscommunication…Ignorance is rampant, it’s waste of air to try to “rude” them up…educating works better, even if it’s simply a matter of “living your life in a way the makes YOU proud of who you are and what you can do”…Just like children, observing is the better teacher.

There is no law in this world that we have to answer something or someone immediately (tho we seem to feel compelled to do so)…stepping back and thinking over what we will say, always pays off. Restraint of tongue and pen…so our point can be heard without the other person shutting down first. Sometimes that is just “hearing them out” before we speak…


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