Barbarian I spy.

Here’s a fun game that realy only works on the road with the driver… It’s called barbairian I spy, you play I spy with only two things… Dragon and rock. The rock is a rock. The dragon is of one -red/fat/scary/shiny/funny looking/pointy, then once you spy it, you and everyone else who’s playing raises their fists into the air and shouts either rock or dragon like barbarians, you all have to be right and you all have to do it at the same time.

Answer #1

no its just a fact.

Answer #2

ya…try it…it can get funny as hell

Answer #3

ah oh missed it. it makes since now EVERYONE.

Answer #4

no…when he/she let’s go of the wheel it may scare someone and the look on someone’s face can be priceless.

a reaction game

Answer #5

sounds pretty stupid

Answer #6

yeah but knowing my parents wed crash.

Answer #7

and the point is to annoy the driver?

Answer #8

? is there an Inside joke?

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