Backacne?! Prom?! Annd tanning???

Help! I have prom in two weeks and I have horrible back acne that is going to be shown to the world cause my dress is backless. im already using proactive and am on birthcontrol thats supposed to help but its done little good. Plus I have to go tanning I’ve hear its bad for acne but im white! :/

What do I do for my acne, and whats the best way to tan without making it worse!!??

Answer #1

no wait a second, you can visit thedoctors or use the creams that you are using now. but if you want a tan then you can put on fake ones like those cream ones or spray ones that you remove after a wash.

Answer #2

tanning helps my acne it drys my skin out… or if you dont want to do that try sea breeze deep skin astringent!

Answer #3

yeah, tanning is supposed to help with acne.

Answer #4

there is perscription acne treatments. and I was watching a tv show and they said that white vinegar helps a lot too.

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