How would I put up a ad for babysitting

How would I put up a add On craigs list for me wanting to Babysit

Answer #1

I wouldn’t post that kind of information on a web site. It could lead to problems.

I think you could post notices on church, grocery store and laundromat bulletin boards. You could also make up fliers giving your name, age, phone number and days of the week that you are available. You could pass out the fliers to neighbors who you know have young children. Once you start babysitting for someone, leave a flier with them so that they can recommend you to other parents. Word of mouth is the best form of advertising.

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Answer #2

I wuuldnt do that yu might want to go with family friends family cuzzins ettc. because You really have no clue what wacko’s will do now or days

Answer #3

I wuuldnt do that yu might want to go with family friends family cuzzins ettc. because You really have no clue what wacko’s will do now or days

Answer #4

acctuly there is this new website for babysitters wanting jobs it’s called

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