Any opinions would be great

My best friend and my cousin have been dating since december. I was never cool with the idea for a few different reasons but for the sake of the friendship I had to be because it was made pretty clear that if I wasn’t, things would continue anyway and they wouldn’t care. things moved pretty quickly, and I’m happy that their happy but things haven’t been the same with my best friend. we barely see each other (not only cause their always together), but when we have over the last couple weeks, my cousins been there. my best friend can barely talk to me and I’ve already been cut out and replaced by my because in a few things.
just wondering what other people thought. maybe I’m looking in to things a little much, but it just feels like I’m loosing my best friend and there’s nothing I can do about it.

Answer #1

well I understand you feel like your being replaced. but if I were you I would call your best friend or sit them down and explain how you feel. it sounds soo stupid but it works because I went through the same thing. good luck <3

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