What should I do, I have Anorexia?

Please I have been anorexic for 2 1/2 years and dont know how to get out of it how do I?…

Answer #1

I was anorexic last year, and I hid it very well. Until the day I almost died because of it! It’s like living in Hell! People started to notice I was “too skinny” and I brushed it off. I’d go almost a week at a time w/o eating. Then I was in church and felt my heart beating out of control. I couldn’t breathe. It was terrible! I prayed and promised God that after church I would eat again. And I just snapped out of it. He saved my life. Honestly, God gave us food and the ability to eat it. It’s OUR job to chose how much and how often. It’s called free will. I don’t know your situation, but I know this- if you KEEP this up, your metabolism will come to a screeching halt, and if you eat ANYTHING, your body will hold on to it for dear life, because it’s starving! The trick is a well-balanced diet. You’ve probably heard this a thousand times before, but it’s true. If you want to lose weight SAFELY, try adding more fiber to your diet.

Answer #2

I am recovering from anorexia. It truely isn’t AS hard as I thought it would be. I got professional help a few weeks ago and am doing so much better. If you are an adult please seek professional help. See you doctor and tell them that you think you may be underweight and that you believe you may have an eating disorder. They will assess you and if they discover that this is true they will refer you to an eating disorder specialist who will help you to recover. Believe me it is effective. If you are a child/teenager please please please speak to your family/a responsible adult and explain that you believe your eating habits are out of control and you need to seek professional help. Anorexia is a phychological illness- it is not your fault and you can recover from it physically and emotionally if you stop it before it is too late. If you are similar to what I was like my inner voice told me not to change and not to recover not to gain weight but you must be strong and get help. Where is the point in killing yourself through starvation when there is so much to live for.

First of all, do not gain weight too quickly because this can be very dangerous, try to gain around 1 pound per week. If you are a female the best thing to do is eat 2000 calories per day- feel free to eat junk food but make sure that the staples in your diet are a healthy balance of protein, (meat/fish), dairy (milk, yogurt etc), starch (cereals/breads/pastas etc) and fruit and veg. Limit the amount of excercise you do.

Official stastistics have proven that males find women with a BMI of 20 to be the most physcially attractive. Votes dropped dramatically when the BMI went lower than 18.5 (what is considered the minimum healthy BMI) You will appear much more attractive to others when you are a healthy weight. :) Goodluck

Answer #3

Simply a Rose to brighten your day,         And maybe lessen the cares in your way;         And also, too, to help you to know,         That in knowing you, many others grow!

  I can’t add much to what Luckylocket said so I’ll just post my opinion on how to start gaining weight plus a link to an eating disorder site that might be worth your reading.

  How to gain weight as an anorexic?

  Go to the site below:

Average Teenager Weight


  Pick a weight that is in the middle for your age and height range. Write that weight down. That will be the weight that, when you reach it, you can start worrying about getting fat if you cross it.

Now, start eating. Slowly in small amounts until your body gets used to eating again. Always eat breakfast since that will jump-start your metabolism and help your body burn calories so that you don’t get fat.

Build up to drinking 8 eight ounce glasses of water per day, one glass before every meal (except breakfast) and before every snack.

Don’t worry about checking the weight scale. Checking it once a week is sufficient.

Get sufficient exercise to help burn calories and to tone your body’s muscles. That will help make your body look good while helping to keep off excess fat and it will help you feel good about yourself.

Remember, in your case, you have a bad body image of yourself. It isn’t real but it is what’s keeping you from eating. Stick to the formula above, while reminding yourself that the food you eat IS making you healthier and more beautiful, and you will find that being real and looking good is easy and that you have no reason to fear food.

Information on eating disorders:


Answer #4

Eating disorders start with a problem in the mind, not a problem with appetite. You need to get into a mental health facility. Call your family doctor for a referal.

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