How do we make our dog quit chewing on shoes?

How do we make are dog to quit chewing on shoes?

Answer #1

I trained hunting and tv performing dogs for some years.

  1st never strike the animal.  It does no good to scream at them either.  This makes most animals leary of their "trainer."   In an emergency they will avoid your needed help maybe at the cost of their lives.   Instead, consider the breed.  (Contact your leader-dog training center for the blind for breed personalities.)  
 Most desireable method of discipline:  Obtain a squirt bottle, fill it with vinigar and water (your own urine works best--but most people object to that), keep it handy and squirt the animal immediately each time he does something that is offensive--chewing on shoes is just one bad habbit.  You will notice he or she will react immediately.    If you are unable to react immediately don't do it.  If given any time most animals will forget what they did wrong.  Squirting them will only confuse them after even a short time.  
Another method I used when the squirt bottle was not handy--like in the field:  If they are not too big, you can discipline them by grabbing the skin in the nap of their neck and small of their backs, lift them off the ground, flip your wrist swinging their feet out parellel to the ground, then pushing them to the ground on their side.   This makes the animal very insecure, and will force the air out of them.  They will immediately seek your approval.
Answer #2

Nikki only chewed up a few things when she was a pup but before Kiehin got fixed, he had started whittling away the chair leg on one of my oak kitchen chairs! aaarrggghh! Hitting your animal is not the answer. However, you can scold your animal, like a child, to let them know that what they did was bad. And believe me, they will understand. My dogs know if they have done something they shouldn’t have because they will go and lay down.

And to make the chair and any other spots less appealing, I found that the spray by Hartz called “Stay Off” or something like that (purple cap on can) does work. The dogs do not care for the smell.

And it works for cats too if you do not want them peeing or pooping in certain areas, even outdoors.

Answer #3

Don’t let the dog get the shoes in the first place ! And give the dog an alternative to chew on such as a dried pigs ear or a commercial chew .

Don’t use physical violence (two answers up ) dogs don’t “get “ violence and the old adege that violence breeds aggression is never more true than in dogs !

Answer #4

give them something they can chew on instead. most of the time a dog will chew on shoes because as a puppy they were never punished for it. so keep shoes put away and put lotsa doggy toys in reach.

if you have a really stubborn dog, smack it on the butt with the shoe… it will learn that shoes hurt.

Answer #5

try putting the shoes in a place were the dog can not get it

Answer #6

put nasty stuff on your shoes lol put something that is unappealing to the dog on the shoes and it will stop chewing on them.

Answer #7

Tobasco Sauce? I think any hot stuff will keep from chewing on shoes.

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