What makes you mad?

What are some things, that make you really mad, and make your blood boil?

Answer #1

I can tell you some of the things that really make me mad. Here are some really interesting things. When people make fun of me, judging me for who I am, getting mad at people that make fun of my religion, Liberals especially make me mad, and lastly, when sometimes when I don’t get my way of things. I’m glad you asked this question.

Answer #2
  • knife crime
  • girls who slag you because of what you wear and look like
  • people leaving nasty commmets on here
  • lads who break you heart
  • when your upset and no one comforts you
  • bullies
  • bordem
  • friends who make a arrangement then blows you off
  • people who are nasty towards my firends and family
  • when nothing goes right and a lot more
Answer #3

Everything that makes me mad involves people.

-People that judge cruelly -People that lie. -People that are fakes. -People who don’t care about anyone else. -People who abuse life.

Answer #4

-when people lie to me. -when people blow me off. -when guys cheat on you and think they can get away with it -when people talk sh*t about me and they don’t even know me -when people suddenly stop talking to me

Answer #5

A lot of things

Liers, one word answers, when people call me physcho, make fun of me, look at me the wrong way…pretty muh a lot of things. I do have anger management problems too if that helps any.

Answer #6

-when people lie to me. -when people blow me off. -when my boyfriend doesnt answer the phone when I need him. -when my mom comes in from work, mad. -when people say stuff, that they cant back up.

Answer #7

people who makes me expect too much for nothing..

Answer #8

when I eat , when I get embarrassed when someone promise me and break it when I wake up every day

Answer #9

People who lie People who judge me before they know me People who make fun of me People who make fun ofmy friends and family

Answer #10

Some things that really tick me off:

  • Those people from another country accusing children of witchcraft.
  • People who are discriminative against people who are different from them.
  • People who hurt other people who have no way of defending themselves.
  • People who kill other people.
  • People who judge you before they even know you.
  • When people throw things away that should be re-used, like clothes, etc.
  • When people get all flustered over a game (it’s only a game for goodness sake).
  • The way people have decided what weight or size people are supposed to be.
  • Bullies of all ages (whether it’s a child or a bullying adult).
  • When people with disabilities are labelled freaks or psychos.
  • People who think they know everything and won’t admit they’re sometimes wrong.

There are more things than this, but if I carry on writing them down it’ll make me angry enough to break something.

Answer #11

When people say someone else is a retard…because there really are disabled people that are slow. Those are retarded people. Whoever says that stuff really makes me angry!

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