Americans: Who did you vote for president?

just curious who have you voted for so far? and why

Answer #1

In the U.S. we have “early” voting and absentee voting. I voted one week ago. I voted for McCain because he is a moderate conservative who closer echos my beliefs than does Obama. Senator Obam’s tax plan has over 1 Trillion dollars in proposed new government projects. That’s 1 Trillion dollars. We have a huge deficit because of the war - and no President to include Obama is going to immediately withdraw our troops, so that expense is going to still be there. He proposes to fund the government with a revamped tax package that will only add tax increases to the top 5%. That top 5% is made up off almost 1/2 small business owners who also employee a tremendous amount of America’s work force. He will do this during an economic unstable climate here, and around the world. He also wants to balance the budget. Not an economist but all that can’t happen. And he or McCain will be faced with some unknown event, another terrorist action, an act of aggression or a natural disaster that will require an even further draw on our national budget. Obama’s plan is socialistic, taking money from those who’ve earned it and giving checks to those who do not pay taxes. A re-distribution of wealth. Now those checks will come in the form of about $500. Not enough to truly rid them of their situation. It may add a little to their life style, but isn’t going to get them out of their current economic status. But what it will do is cause jobs to be lost and businesses to be shut down.

I further do not like the Obama camp digging into Joe the Plumber’s past just because he asked Obama a question that went to his tax plan and Obama flubbed it. What will he do when he becomes President and has invetigative agencies at his disposal?

Obama has little experience, he is a one term Senator who has spent most 1/2 of his term on the Presidential campaign trail. His judgement is sorely clouded in his association with William Ayers a murdering terrorist of the late 60’s early 70’s. He spent 20 years in a church pastored by a bigot who spews hatred for America. And even called him friend and father figure. He wouldn’t disassociate himself with either until hounded by the press.

A few of the reasons Obama should not be our President at this time.

Answer #2

Today is Sunday and we vote Tuesday but this is the main reason I will vote for McCain:

Researched Fact: On March 13, 2003, Illinois state legislator Barack Obama voted against the Illinois Born Alive Act which provides that infants who survive an abortion and are born alive should receive necessary medical care and treatment. Barack Obama voted to let babies die who were born alive! Barack Obama took a more extreme pro-abortion stand than even pro-abortion champions NARAL, who stayed neutral on the counterpart federal legislation which barred abortions on babies born alive - maybe he has the character you admire, I don’t !

Answer #3

seao2florida, Give up on the ayres and wright BS, and the rest of the talking points that hear on FIXED News. Those lies are not flying with the american people. You are nothing but a political hack, and not a very good one at that.

Answer #4

I think what this guy means is who you have voted for in the past. ie past elections

Answer #5

Today is Sunday and we vote Tuesday but this is the main reason I will vote for McCain:

So… the MAIN reason is that you LIE to yourself, and believe the lies… hilarious. I see psycho-therapy in your future… and I see you dying of old age before it starts to work.

Answer #6

Barack Obama.

-I’m a women. -and I bleeve that women should have the right to choose -If they want and abortion or not.

Unlike John McCain, if a 11 year old get pregnaut she has to keep her baby.

Answer #7


You are definitely the Rush Limbaugh of the Left. Who a person associates with and their beliefs are a real indicator of who they are. We have every right to look at McCain’s and Obama’s associates, their policies and beliefs to examine if they are viable candidates for the Presidency. I don’t just examine the “opponent’:, I examine both men. Your downplaying of these associations of Obama , do nothing more than represent your extremist liberal views and following the Democratic party line to get ANYONE who is a Democrat into the White House, no matter how good or bad they may be for America.

I can see you hate it when someone challenges your less than credible arguments, but trust me, I will challenge them when they are as weak as yours.

Answer #8

“Today is Sunday and we vote Tuesday”

Amblessed, did FOX not let you know that you could vote early.

“ but this is the main reason I will vote for McCain”

Yes, we know, we ALL know. You just keep spreading your LIES OF OMISSION. And on Sunday! The Sabbath! Drop to your knees and ask forgiveness for your sin!

Proverbs 12:22 Lying lips are an abomination to the LORD, But those who deal faithfully are His delight.

Unless YOUR bible is different and YOUR Lord thinks it is okay to spread LIES!

Answer #9

The foetus is essentially a parasite. Why should any woman be forced to firstly spend nine months of her life pregnant with an unwanted child and then have to bring it up? And even if she gives it up for adoption, the baby could come looking for her and it will undoubtedly leave severe emotional scarring for both the mother and the baby.

Plus, if abortion is made illegal or stricter limits are put on, it will only encourage back alley abortions which are very dangerous.

If I was American I would vote for Obama.

Answer #10

well ok today is tuesday, who did you vote for

and plus on sunday you cudda made up your mind on who you want to vote for

Answer #11

…I think what this guy means…

cough …girl…

Answer #12

I agree

Answer #13

but I still beleive in the right to choose

an 11 yr old cant help rape and shud choose the life of the baby she bares and at the end of the day it will come down to her own morals and beleifs

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