Am I to heavy to sit on this guys lap?

Ok, so there’s a couple of guys at school that like me. And I like them. they always ask me to sit on their lap or one leg to talk to them. I”m 13 and weigh 112 pounds…most of which is fat. (I wear a size 6/7 in jeans. Ii never sit on their laps because I’m scared I’m going to squish them or hurt them. Do you think I will? These guys are way taller than me and pretty strong

Answer #1

And remember they are the ones telling you to so obviously they want you too 112 is nothing dont worry about weight your 13

Answer #2

112 pounds!!! that is nothing adnways guys are strong =D

Answer #3

No you won’t hurt them! I mean just yesterday at school we had a fire drill and one of my guy friends was laying on the grass (on his tummy) and having us stand on his back, he was like “go for it!” Then he turned over and had us stand on his tummy. We didn’t hurt him! Oh, and I stood on him and I way almost the same as you (110). I was actually the lightest because I’m short and the others are tall!

Answer #4

112 is a good weight…dont worry about it , they are not breakable!!!

Answer #5

I’m 13 and weigh 112 pounds…most of which is fat

Well, you’re not too heavy… but you clearly have a poor self-image.

Answer #6

eee when I first was sein my boyfreind I wudnt neither and when I wud I was like puttin all the weight on me feet haha and then he said dont worry your not squashin me or owt witch embbarsed me haha dont worry 112 is nothink! x

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