Am I rushing?

I am almost 19 years old and my boyfriend is 21. We met and fell in love in the strangest of ways. However, I have never loved someone so passionately as I love him. There is never a fight where we don’t compromise and he always appologizes if he knows he is wrong. He has the biggest heart out of any one in the world. We have been together for a little less than a year, and marriage has already been brought up. Next year I will be living with him, and I am excited beyond all belief. I love him, my family loves him, and I love his family as well.
My question is…being so young, I am afraid that if we do get engaged people will look down upon us for being so young. We love eachother, and we know that we want to be together forever, but should we wait? Am I trying to grow up too fast? I don’t want this chance at happiness to be lost. Thanks

Answer #1

im 22 years old..,i have the same age his lover for 2years..i luv him so much.we have a big fight.,because he just trust what his fren say..i dont want to break of with him..i stil want to save this relation…what should i do…?

Answer #2

Personally, I think if you’re under 25 it’s usually a good idea to take things more slowly when it comes to marriage. I’ve heard too many horror stories of people dating and then skipping the whole living together phase to jump into marriage only to find out that they can’t STAND being around their new spouse 24/7. Go ahead and live with him next year. Use that as kind of an experiment. If you two can coexists reasonably well together and still want to get married then go for it. It hurts nothing to have patients. What’s another year?

As for the age part, you said your families are both on board with the idea, correct? Who else really matters?

Answer #3

…..hey im 16 and me and my b/f has been togeather for 3 months and 2 days we love eachother way to much me and u are the same his family loves me i love theme he loves my family and my family loves Him well a couple of days ago he asked me to marry him and i said yes all i gotta say if u love this guy nothing with u and him is rushing who cares if ur young as long as u know u wanna spend the rest of your lives togeather go for it it’s the chance of happinest

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