Am I prego?

My boyfriend and I had sex two months ago. We used a condom everytime and it never broke. I had my period two weeks later. But its the next month and I am a week late. Could I be pregnant…I am only sixteen and can not have a baby. Plus I can not tell my parents that I am.

Answer #1

You can still be pregnant and have a “period”. Typically this period is not “normal” but for some women they say that it is exactly the same. Your “period” …while pregnant…is basically breakthrough bleeding.

Take a pregnancy test…you could still be pregnant.

Answer #2

ok well, if you are late and not sure if you are pregnant or not, take a pregnancy test. If you get a positive result, go to one of your local clinics(usually free) and get another one. If you are, then you have to deal with it. Tell your parents or don’t.

Answer #3

You should know that there is ALWAYS a possibility of pregnancy when you have sex. The first time I got pregnant I was on the pill…and I never missed a day…the second time I was on the patch, the third we were using condoms and spermicide. Sometimes things happen that you can’t prevent.

Take a pregnancy test to find out for sure.

Good luck :)

Answer #4

If you had your period AFTER you had sex then you are not pregnant.

Answer #5

your not. You had your period

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