Am I Pragnant???

I have sex with my boyfriend a lot and we never use a condom..after a while it starts to hurt and I think its from to much sex or because he is too BIG…but I am not sure how long does it take to find out if I am pregnant or not and how can I tell???

Answer #1

it takes you 2 weeks to find out if your pregnant.

Answer #2

if rough sex is involved it could be that to or maybe you are not wet enough or when you are dry that could also be a problem to if it worsen go see a ob-gyn to get checked out

Answer #3

if you miss your period then you hsould take a pregnancy test. STOP HAVING UNPROTECTED SEX! then you would not have to worry. the pain could b e cause your not wet enough or cause he is too big… hope I helped. let me know if you have any other questions… I have had 4 pregnancy scares…

Answer #4

unprotected sex? I hope your on birth controlll.

always be safe

and its probly hurting because your soar from having sex so much, or when your having sex he’s going too hard on you.

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