Am I-overweight?

I am 13, and I think im fat, my mum says im not, but I feel fat… I weigh 38kg, is thatt overweight??

Answer #1

how tall are you? If you are incredibly short then you are probably normal/average if not then you are NOT fat.

If you know how tall you are in metres and centimetres then you can calculate your BMI by dividing your weight in kg by your height squared. I can do it for you if you fun mail me your height, but either way I’m quite sure you’re fine. 38kg isn’t much…

Answer #2

38 kg’s X 2.2 = 83.6 pounds (I think)

38 is fine if you’re 13 (it could be almost underweight), it does depend on you build (e.g. medium, small) Anyways don’t worry about your weight at your age, you’re still growing and going through puberty. You weight will even out once your older. Rather eat healthy and excercise regularly.

Answer #3

Here’s a general weight / BMI guide: Figure your ideal weight: (Teen & Adult)

Take care !!

Answer #4

noo your not over weight and its not really your age to be worrying about weight at this stage just to improve your health quit junk food and eat the cereal with more fiber

Answer #5

no you r not… do xecrcises , jogging running, you ll b okay , also you dunn seem to be overwt.

Answer #6

I think this act of being not comfortable with your body makes you think that your fat. 38kg/83pounds are so not overweight…except if its full with only fat and cholestrol… my advice…EXERCISE and be PROUD…

Answer #7

oh my,you are half my weight…and if your fat…you must ate least be shorter than 130 cm

Answer #8

this may sound stupid but how mcuh is 38 kg? lol we measure in pounds

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