Am I A Gangster?

I know a couple of gang signs and I love to act thuggish. Am I a gangster? If not what do I have to do to become one?

Answer #1

strongly agreed with nicolexoxoo fau, amblessed(wow, didn’t see that coming) & baldwolf!

Answer #2

lol…vanilla ice… yep, you have a good sense of humor…

Answer #3

But I LOVE vinilla ice! He’s as gangsta as it comes

Answer #4

I don’t see any reason to pretend to be like a gansta (morons and cowards) who have chosen crime and cash over being responsible and helping their community.

do not let these thugs see you being a “poser” that alone would be enough to get you beat up or worse.

why be a mindless follower when you could learn a skill and be a leader and a role model- the right way, by finishing school- getting some kind of college education and becoming a positive influence on society- instead of being a negative drain and blight on society by becoming a “cowardly” thug.

Answer #5

…are you actually IN a gang?

Answer #6

Dangerous pretending - could lead to a dead-end road…not good !!

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