Is our relationship over before it began?

So I like this guy for some time now. We have class together. He asks me to hang out a while ago, and so we did like 2 weeks later b/c i was busy. When we hung out it was really fun, but when he went to kiss me I froze (because he makes me nervous). Despite my freak out, the rest of the night was nice. When we saw each other in class again i acted exactly the same as i did before the hang out. I asked him to hang out but he was busy and then asked me to hang out - but I was out of town. So he asked again, but then he canceled b/c he forgot her was out of town. He asked to hang again, but again he was out of town. Why does he keep asking me if hes going to cancel why not just say “hey sorry I’m busy”? Okay this is going to sound weird but I asked him if he liked me (b/c I’m kinda a no-BS kind of girl) and he said “um.. i don’t know… I mean I guess we’re still.. well I dont’ know yet” what does that mean. I haven’t seen him since b/c we haven’t had class together. Is it all fizzed out? help

ps sorry this is so long and choppy

Answer #1

yeah he is trying to spend some time with you to get to know you better……he is def interested in you but cant tell you if he likes you enough yet becos he doesnt know you that well. He seems nice and is doing things the right way…..wat you both need is to MAKE time for each other hang out for, get to know each other more and it may lead somewhere.

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