This is irritating me

I’m sick and tired of this. My mom says it’s hormones but this has been going on far too long and she won’t do crap about it. One minute im all sad and it will go on for days, then I will be happy for like a day or even less and then that sad, mad, irritated feeling for come back and last and last. It’s so hard to deal with it, I just want to like be happy and then like last night for no appearent reason I got happy out of no where!! It’s extrememly frusterating! How can this just be hormones???!!! When I get sad it’s to the point as serious as killing myself then when im happy it’s like how could I have ever thought of getting rid of this awesome life??

Answer #1

Hope this helps:

If you need someone to just listen, just talk to, or pray with you:

24 hrs: 1-800-488-4673

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK (8255)

Helping someone Depressed:

I wish you the best !!

Answer #2

I’m like that too! its been happening since I was like 12,its annoying and I hate it. I’d say it is hormones, though, as much as you hate it…

Answer #3

Well then you might be clinically depressed. Are there any factors that may be contributing to this? How is your home life? Do you like school? Are your parents driving your crazy? my point is that to solve your problem you have to get to the bottom of it, I can help you do that but you got to clue me in a bit…

Answer #4

yes but this is far to insane I wont even be happy for a day and this sad feeling whatever will last for a whole entire week constant constant mood swings it’s too the point where I can’t take it anymore

yeah but when I do get sad and think about suicide it gets way too serious I will actually be holding like pills in my hand I just can’t deal with this

Answer #5

How old are you?…if you are a teenager then your description of how your feeling is probably about 80% hormones…I’m sorry to tell you that your mom is most likely right…thats how we all feel at that age and then things in our minds start slowing down and we start to realize a lot more than we used too..I think you will be fine, if you need anything I’ll be here lol

Answer #6

You are at an age where hormones, emotions and even your brain are undergoing strong changes. It is natural to occasionally feel confused or depressed.

The best thing you can do is to talk to a counselor or therapist. Barring that, find someone you can communicate your emotions and thoughts with, sort of like a sounding board. Keeping your thoughts to yourself doesn’t help. If you can’t find someone around you then consider Fun Mailing someone on Fun Advice whose advice you like. It’s relatively private and gives you a good sounding board.

Check out the link below for information on teen depression.

  Information on teen depression:

   If you are having problems or are depressed, below are a couple of sites that may help you:


Check out the Befrienders link below. They are not only a suicide hotline but also offer help to people who are stressed or are in a state of depression.

In the U.S.A., you also have access to:

Boys Town National Hotline

Call With Any Problem, Any Time


Fun Mail a “sounding board”!

I would assume that you can’t talk about what you are going through with anyone because it is too personal and you don’t want others to know about it in relation to you.

The solution, then, might be to pick someone on Fun Advice whose advice you like and Fun Mail them. (You can check out the quality of someone’s advice by clicking on their name; going down to their recent advice, click on view all, then click on the questions that might interest you and view their answers.) Explain to them that you are having problems and want to have someone to use as a “sounding board” and would like to know if they would be willing to be your sounding board. Fun Mail is basically private, so you shouldn’t have any concerns about your privacy.

Although there are many users on Fun Advice who would be qualified, I’d suggest the person be an Advisor, for two reasons: First, most Advisors have several hundred or even thousands of Answers under their belt which can really give you a perspective about them; and second, you can simply click on the Advisors link at the top of the page and view a list of the most recently active Advisors with information about them AND a total of their Answers. (Don’t contact them by that “Ask me a question” link. That’s public. Instead, click on their name which will take you to their Profile page, then click on the “Send me Fun Mail” link on the left side of the page.)

You also have the ability to Fun Mail anyone (Advisor or otherwise) by clicking on the “Send me Fun Mail” link near the top of the Answer under the person’s name.

        Simply a Rose to brighten your day,         And maybe lessen the cares in your way;         And also, too, to help you to know,         That in knowing you, many others grow!

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