What is the best age to get married?

I mean im in no rush but whats a reasonable age so i could have fun with my fiance then super settle so i can have my life stable?????

Answer #1

This Is My Opinion Around 23 Is Good.

Answer #2

Whenever you and your partner is ready to take the next step. I would say to wait a little longer, but if you guys are willing, then go ahead. Just realize how much goes into a marriage and a wedding.

Answer #3

really its whenever you both feel is the right time for you both to get married, but in my opinion waiting is good, so around 25-30 to me would be a good age to get married, just because most marriages fail and usually you end up fighting and getting bored of each other quickly after

Answer #4

as long as u are not underage and can support ur partner and family u can get married…

Answer #5

The best times are in your 20s.Its the best time,i prefer 24-27 years is the best time,you are mature enough at this age to handle things and you are even responsible enough to have a baby,a normal baby. :)

Answer #6

when you both have good solid jobs and money to afford a life as 1

Answer #7

When you both have money and jobs and want to take that step. I don’t feel that anyone under age 25 in today’s hectic fast pased life is ready, because they generally have not had time to figure out who they are yet.

Answer #8

i agree 100%…unfortunately it is not about love & romance anymore, its about being able to support one another financially then comes the love, sex & getting used to. :(

Answer #9

I agree! When you both have completed your college/vocational/university education and you BOTH have landed in your studied fields and/or have a good, solid job. Love is beautiful and daydreams of riding off in sunsets is wonderful, but when you’re HUNGRY, Love ALONE will NOT keep you alive…I don’t care what the song says, the song is WRONG!

Answer #10

If you marry without good financial grounds, you MAY BE up against the following: Moving every 2-3 months because you can’t pay rent/mortgage, landing in a roach-pesticide infested apartment because the rent for these pesticide-infested apartments are affordable, borrowing money to make ends meat without guarantees of paying-back the borrower(s), which can lead to a broken relationship with the borrower, eating dry cornflakes like popcorn, BIG arguments, stress, & fights about HOUSEHOLD FINANCES, one of the top leading causes of divorce. Again, when you’re hungry LOVE alone will NOT keep you alive! Education First…Career Second…Marriage/Family Next…

Answer #11

whenever yurr ready

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