Age 20, Isolated Since Childhood?

I’m depressed. Its Hard to get along with others. My Parents mistreated me even though they say they’re just doing what is right for me. My father considered me as a stupid, slow thinker (like he was not), low brain, irresponsible.

They Always Correcting me, they never understand me and they always underestimate me. Whenever I show my anger when the time my father start to scold me, call me absent minded they (both parents) got mad and threaten me to throw me away.

I have very less friends as if I dont have any. I’m having a hard time to socialize with the others ‘because I feel uncomfortable and couldn’t think properly.

I couldn’t tell why I feel I dont have a rights. They always wanted me stay where they can see me…

I’ve followed them since childhood but now I’m going to enter college I need to be my own. My Parents doesnt see it that way. I wanted to learn how to make decision, choice, how to respect, and be kind to others.

I Couldn’t say much. I really feel sorry for myself. I might lost and gets crazy. I couldn’t think properly, couldn’t study properly, and low in grades at school.

I really don’t know what to do.

Someone help me? If you know some cognitive-behavioral therapist (psychotherapy ) then ask him/her or let him/her write the answer.

Tnx a lot for taking a time and reads this.

Answer #1

u need too get your own place if you got the money if you dont have the money then get a JOB if you got a job then save your money then get the hell out mommy and daddy house become a adult then your self asteem will come with thats called growning up good luck you can do it

Answer #2

I think what you wrote was very well written for I don’t believe you should be going through isolation. I went through that myself when I was your age until I moved out into my own place. You should find your own place to move out of your parents house for they are the ones who treat you like a child. If they claim they are doing what’s right for you, it doesn’t sound like they are. That’s wonderful you’re going to college and you want to be successful. I can tell by your post that you’re very honest, intelligent, and want respect. Its too bad you can’t find some people who would be willing to help you through this depression. I have many people in my life take for instance, when I was a child, I was isolated from making friends, going to certain parties with people my age, my parents treated me like a child like yours, I felt sorry for myself just as you’re feeling, I had my depression moments to where I almost comitted suicide twice, once when I was 17, and last year when I was 23. Now, that I live on my own, I hang out with people that actually care. I join a church that allot of the people I hang out with join, and they treat me like a normal adult and allow me to think for myself. I couldn’t make decisions for myself either when I was a child and I thank god everyday for a brain and to utilize it. You definitely have a brain, your parents aren’t letting you grow. It isn’t good to have them isollate you from the world or not socialize with people. You do eventually need to move out of their house. Here is what I would do, if you have a job, save up to buy a place for yourself, join a church that’ll support you, so that way you’ll make friends that way to help you get used to socializing with people. There are some great Christian churches out there. I know people will be friendly to you and allow you to think on your own instead of having your parents think for you. It definitely sounds like your parents are controling. If you want cognitive therapy or counseling, you can decide to utilize that as well. I would find counseling services through a Church organization. I do wish you the best of luck and I can relate to this sort of stuff. Just find a church group to join and a place to live, and you’ll be all set. Attend college far away from your parents since that’s what I did. Take care!!

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