Advice for my hair

What hairstyle should I do to my hair since im going back to school???

My hair is medium length and black…I always put my hair in a ponytail or sumtimes leave it down which is pretty boring… And my parents won’t let me go to the salon to do anything to my hair and I can’t dye it or get highlights so please help me out. And put a pic of the hairstyle I should do! ^_^

Answer #1

ok.. well being a teenager I no how you feel by wanting a cool hairstyle for starting school and being a hair stylist I would have fun with your hair and I could tell because the way you describe it..

well if its meduim length.. then do some layering[if your allowed to cut your own hair.. ] eres some directions

  1. wet your hair and take scissors and slide them down certain sections of your hair [dont over do them unless you want more of a scene look]

  2. comb it out

  3. take the comb out and push sum hair to the front of your face making a bang [if you already have one then good..

  4. sence you cant die or put highlites in your hair then do what I do.. extensions.. go to like a buety store or hotopic and get extentions.. if you want something fare out then do coon strips or leoperd print or a brite color.. [this is very popular in the past month I’ve done coon strips and leoperd prints on over 50 differnt people!]

  5. straighten your hair

  6. when thats all done.. the cuttin the extentions the straitening style it..

flip your hair upside down and brush it..

flip it back over and it should be a little fluffyer then usual and it will still be straight..

take hairspray and spray it on to make it stay fluffy and make it a little big because flat hair is deff out!

take hair wax and put it on your roots.. it keeps your hair from flatening..

when your done your hair should look good if you do it rite

addd barrets and head bands to make it look good..

want to picture of what im talking about message me “)

Answer #2

ok.. well being a teenager I no how you feel by wanting a cool hairstyle for starting school and being a hair stylist I would have fun with your hair and I could tell because the way you describe it..

well if its meduim length.. then do some layering[if your allowed to cut your own hair.. ] eres some directions

  1. wet your hair and take scissors and slide them down certain sections of your hair [dont over do them unless you want more of a scene look]

  2. comb it out

  3. take the comb out and push sum hair to the front of your face making a bang [if you already have one then good..

  4. sence you cant die or put highlites in your hair then do what I do.. extensions.. go to like a buety store or hotopic and get extentions.. if you want something fare out then do coon strips or leoperd print or a brite color.. [this is very popular in the past month I’ve done coon strips and leoperd prints on over 50 differnt people!]

  5. straighten your hair

  6. when thats all done.. the cuttin the extentions the straitening style it..

flip your hair upside down and brush it..

flip it back over and it should be a little fluffyer then usual and it will still be straight..

take hairspray and spray it on to make it stay fluffy and make it a little big because flat hair is deff out!

take hair wax and put it on your roots.. it keeps your hair from flatening..

when your done your hair should look good if you do it rite

addd barrets and head bands to make it look good..

want to picture of what im talking about message me “)

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